Hey Pooper, great 'journalism' you are at the top of your game.

So says the guy who had has "head" buried in Barry's butt for the last 8 years. Hey dipshit, Barry shit on the whole country and you defended that for the last eight years. Hell, you are still defending it. If anyone should know about shit, it's CNN. They sure know a lot about bullshit. Butt politics aside, is that any way to talk to a guest on a "news" show? Oh wait, it's CNN, not a news show. They have lost it, and now they're beyond desperate. It's fantastic. By speaking this way they're trying to attract the bottom dwellers of viewers. I'm running out of negative descriptions to call these jackasses. I always knew they were despicable people, but they kept a mask of some respect. Now they don't even pretend to have an ounce of decency. Truly sickening to watch.
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