The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Chelsea-Hag Clinton: Child Marriage And Women’s Health ‘Connected’ To Climate Change

In a recent panel discussion, Chelsea Clinton said child marriage and climate change were ‘connected.’ Clinton spoke on a panel hosted by CARE, a left-wing charity that pushes wealth redistribution as ‘foreign aid.’

She also said that climate change was to blame for a number of societies ills:
“[We] carry multiple concerns in both our head and our heart. Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women’s health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected. We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness.”
She also predictably blamed Donald Trump for a rise in sexism and bigotry:
“We have to realize, especially at this moment, that sexism is not an opinion. Islamophobia is not an opinion. Racism is not an opinion. Homophobia is not an opinion. Jingoism is not an opinion. So I think that in our posture of listening, we also have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out.”
She later said that “health is a human right.” Not healthcare mind you, but health.

The dumbest thing I've heard in a month. Just goes to show you, with the right connections, anyone can get into Stanford or Yale! In the old days, when someone was 

on stage and talking nonsense there was a long pole with a big hook at the end for pulling that person off by the neck. Looks like we need to bring it back. 

If health is a right, then they better figure out a way to stop little kids from getting cancer and dying. Sounds stupid right? That's because it's a privilege to be healthy! That's why we thank God for granting us the strength to get through the day. We pray to God our children are born with 10 fingers, 10 toes, and healthy. Nobody has a "right" to be healthy. It's a privilege, and it always has been. Funny, liberal hypocrites like Chelseahag argue health is a right, except when it comes to an unborn child. Nope, a defenseless child in the womb has no right to be healthy at all. Don't they see how their arguments always break down when it comes to discussing abortion? Don't know how many times I have to remind idiot liberals like this, but I'll try again, "It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and to remove all doubt".  

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