The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Obama Freed 7 Iranians Who Were Threats to US National Security as Part of His Iran Nuclear Deal

Via the New York Post:
In a blockbuster exposé, Politico’s Josh Meyer reports that Team Obama overruled veteran prosecutors to free seven Iranians, claiming publicly they’d merely violated economic sanctions. In fact, they were charged with posing threats to US national security as part of a weapons procurement ring.
More, the administration also dropped charges against 14 fugitives involved in smuggling sophisticated weapons to Iran and its terrorist subsidiaries. That move ended the international arrest warrants.
Read more about the treason here....

Ahh, just another traitorous act, of many by the the POS. Of course he freed 7 Iranians that were threats to the US. He's a Muslim that hates America. No surprise at all. Obama was the best president the enemies of American ever had. Everything Barry did was pretty much treason. The Founding Fathers would have strung him up from a tree. And yet he still gets to walk free. We all know he screwed America. Every day there is another revelation of how much damage he did to our nation. And yet he's still out there causing trouble. And guess what? Congress could care less if any of these Iranian terrorists blows up your 2nd grader's elementary school. I would like to see some Justice, but it's going to have to be street justice, since our Congress has no balls and are as CORRUPT as he is! Congress has proved over and over again that they could care less about the American people. WE waited patiently for 8 years for Congress to at least impeach this POS; nothing happened. Now that we elected a president who is on our side and loves America, the Republican party is too busy stabbing him and America in the back to actually fix Barry's destruction. The American people are so fed up that street justice may be the only real answer. 

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