WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans invoked the “nuclear option” Thursday, overturning the body’s rules so Neil Gorsuch could be confirmed to the Supreme Court with a simple majority vote.
The vote — entirely along party lines — was 52 to make the change and 48 against.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the change — from 60 to 51 votes — was necessary to break a Democratic filibuster intended to block the Colorado appellate judge.
“This will be the first — and last — partisan filibuster of a Supreme Court nomination,” McConnell said of the history-making step.

By the filibustering of the 1st SCOTUS justice for political reasons indicates the democrat party has gone over the edge. They are no longer, nor have they been for decades the party of working class in America, they are now officially Marxist/commies, period. They are not for the nation. They as they would have you believe. They are for themselves, 100%, and to hell with nation. Nobody but themselves. Party 1st, and that defines socialism/communism, doesn't it?
Once again, America wins, democraps lose. Once again the democraps learn the hard way, that there are consequences to being obstructionists. I guess the democraps forgot that old saying, "what goes around, comes back around". Oh yes, the ugly snake reared it's ugly head, and this time these fools got bit. The asshole Chucky Schumer just ensured conservatives will control the SC for the next 30 years. Nice job Chucky. The democrats, Harry Reid himself, are the ones who created this rule. It's about time it was used against them. And now that they are down, keep kicking the shit out of them until you physically and mentally cannot continue, and then on to the next round. Tic Toc, Ginsburg.
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