Let's go down memory lane. Remember this:
“When somebody says like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back. Well how exectly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.” Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?
And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer."

What do community organizers know about creating jobs? Seems like he knew plenty about killing jobs and getting people on welfare! Obama the anti-American, socialist, muslim, community organizer had zero intentions of keeping any jobs in America. But what else would you expect an America-hater to say? If it's bad for America, that's good for Obama. He should have been impeached, and if not for that tan, he would have been. Barry realizes how bad Trump is making him look. Without even breaking a sweat, the President is kicking his legacy to the curb.
The more we see jobs reports like this, the more the lefties will go berserk. Normal people will start asking very soon, "why haven't we seen this in years"...and the answer..."the elitists in government stole it from you" with their job destroying regulations. Socialism is about democrats and their government control whereas America is about abundance and self determination. Obama was all for socialism. Trump is All American.The Trump Magic Wand, well it has arrived.
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