LOS ANGELES (AP) — Gov. Jerry Brown has asked President Trump to declare a major disaster for California because of damage from January storms.
The letter sent Friday says the relentless series of storms caused flooding, mudslides, evacuations, erosion, power outages and at least eight deaths. Northern California was hardest hit.
Brown says the storm system was so severe and widespread that state and local governments need federal assistance to continue dealing with the problems it created.
Read more: Jerry Browns asks President for help
Read more: Jerry Browns asks President for help
Now Jerry Brown wants to have his burrito and eat it too. So now Brown wants taxpayers in every state in the US to fund his sanctuary insanity?! I thought you were seceeding! And where are all those compassionate celebrities that could help? Thats what socialists do, dont they? Every penny of the $162 million Brown has demanded will go to illegals and he knows it. Let Brown use some of the $10 million he's set aside to hire attorneys to help illegals fight against Federal laws. It's time libtards heard the word "NO!" Sorry Governor Moonbeam, when you disband your sanctuary cities, in state tuition for illegals, and driver licenses for illegals, then you can get the help your looking for. But until that time comes, no deal. Someone should remind Brown that he's not in Obozoland anymore, but he's sure as hell in Trump Country! The President should take their call deny their request,and suggest that they call Mexico for assistance.

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