So the Shill continues to talk about the election and the need for the party to move forward. How would they, the idiot sheep that are the democrats, know exactly which direction is forward? The Democrats have no one else they can run. Seriously they don't. Bernie is too old, Warren is a total nut job who thinks she's an indian, and who couldn't handle a debate with Trump. The party doesn't want a straight white man like Biden. Transgenders are too worried about their bathroom rights, and there is no one else ready except crazy ass minorities who openly hate whites. So I guess Shillary is the answer? Even if she makes it to 2020, more than likely these democrat socialists will have to be wheeling her out like Steven Hawking and controlling what she says. These morons love to be tortured.
She's just giving her seal of approval for another conservative victory. Hasn't it dawned on her that nobody wants her. How many times does she have to lose? They rigged everything for her and spent an unbelievable amount of money and she STILL lost! Face it Shill, Americans are just not that into you. Maybe you could run for President of California if they do decide to split from the country.
Truth is, Sessions is a little busy with ICE, writing the new EO travel ban, etc. But when he gets some free time, and comes after you, he isn't going to announce his pending arrival. And, when it goes down it's gonna be tremendous. Lefty snowflakes will be hanging themselves from street lights. I'll be enjoying my chips, dip and beer.
Well, it will be entertaining to see her thrown into her minivan, and hauled up the stairs by two large men again.

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