The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, February 6, 2017

Nancy Pelosi Tells Adopted Woman ‘Your Mom Should’ve Had The Choice To ABORT You’

Nancy Pelosi, once again made a complete fool out of herself in a recent CNN townhall over comments she made to a college student about abortion.
The college student is a young woman named Brianna Kristyn Roberts who happens to be adopted.
This video was posted by Nancy Pelosi on her YouTube channel believing that she did a good job answering this question. Watch Pelosi make a complete fool of herself…

Beautiful young lady, meet despicable rotting old bitch. Brianna Roberts is a wonderful young woman, a great example of exactly why we should encourage full term pregnancies for adoption. Then there’s Nancy. Nothing like telling someone to their face that you don't have a right to be alive. So, a child living in poverty is worse than a child being ripped apart and murdered? Bella Pelosi is a demon. Kill fetuses so they don't suffer. What satanic logic. And when is this lying, POS, botox for brains witch going to be excommunicated from the Catholic church? If the damn Pope were not the socialist fraud that he is he could have excommunicated this baby killing bitch a long time ago! But that will never happen because the Catholic Church's leadership, all the way to the Fake progressive Pope, are in Bed with the Progressives. Murder is murder no matter what you choose to call it or where you wish to commit the crime, on the street or in the womb. It's still murder even if you call it a fake name like abortion. Abort a life it is murder, and there will be judgement for all these people, Pelosi included. Love is giving life. Evil is destroying it. So keep it up, Nancy, Between your constant, brain dead remarks and Schumer's fake crying, the Democratic Party is committing suicide right before our eyes on national TV.

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