The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, February 23, 2017

James O'Keefe says he plans to leak 'hundreds of hours of tape' in CNN exposé

From the Business Insider:

Conservative provocateur James O'Keefe said Tuesday that he plans to release "hundreds of hours of tape" he said would expose CNN.

What, you mean the Clinton News Network is really biased? Of course they are. Only braindead sheep thinks CNN report real un-biased news. This is what "investigative journalism" looks like. To the liberal MSN, O'Keefe is a right wing nut job, a fraud and unethical. Someone who shouldn't be believed or taken seriously. But you can bet if these alleged recordings were of the Fox News rooms, CNN, the Huffington Post, NY Times, and the rest of the democrat main stream media would be going to the ends of the earth defending O'Keefe as a brave and crusading journalist. Remember when he exposed ACORN for voter registration fraud? You called him a nut then to. But what happened? They were exposed, and went bankrupt. If he can do to CNN the same thing he did to ACORN, then the World will be a better place This is exactly what we need, someone to keep the media honest, after all they are the ones who are supposed to be the truth seekers and report things that are against the constitutional rights we all enjoy. But for a long time the media has betrayed this nation with their own agenda's, and I for one am sick of it. How'sRussia looking now CNN? I hope Chris "the asshole govenor's little brother" Cuomo is have the runs all night thinking about how he is going to defend this.

We became fed up with you liberal biased media hacks, and  we pushed back and spoke up, and we didn't need the Hollywood Elite assholes to chime in and help us. We did it with ballots, not bullets. With ballots, not riots. With ballots, not looting. With ballots, not blocking traffic. With Ballots, not FOXNEWS. With ballots, not fires, except for the fire you started inside of "us deplorables". You, the media, created us. It really is just that simple. Your bias actions have and will make Conservatives even stronger without the violence you've have shown to this country, and the world. 

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