The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hillary Jr. Pregnancy Is American Royalty

ABC News Touts Chelsea Clinton’s Pregnancy As America’s “Royal” Baby

Via Newsbusters:
According to the liberal network journalists, being part of a Democratic family makes you “royalty.” Reporters on ABC, CBS and NBC gushed over the announcement that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant. Good Morning America’s Bianna Golodryga enthused, “Move over, Prince George, though. This morning, Americans have their own royal, or, rather, presidential baby, to look forward to.”

"Would you expect anything less from ABC, the (A)ll (B)arrack (C)hannel. So now the Clinton's
are f**king royalty? I thought we fought a revolutionary war to get away from royalty? The last time we had royalty in this country was when we anointed some family of Irish drunks in Massachusetts back in the 1960s. Kennedy I think they were called. Hey ABC, in case you need to be reminded, we don't have "royalty" in America. If you want royalty, I suggest you move to a country with royalty. 

You know what, a thought just popped into my mind. If Hillary Jr. is thinking of political office, why burdern herself with a child? Perhaps she can get an abortion. We could even nationally televise it live. I mean my God, she's been punished with a baby. The demented left celebrates a baby for one of their chosen, but for the minions, they advocate the likes of Kermit Gosnell. Libtard's have to spend their lives looking for something to worship since they deny God. The fact that people actually watch and buy into these libtard programs, shows the ignorance and unbelievable stupidity of some of the population. They tried this royalty bullshit with the Kennedy's and that didn't turn out to well now did it. And now the leftist Media is trying to do the same for the Criminal Clintons. Pathetic. And when this baby is born, you can only imagine how the state run media will fall all over themselves shouting Hosanna's over the event. Right on schedule for Shillary's campaign as predicted. Oh but I can see it now. "It's a little Bubba! Cigars for everyone"! Ooops. That will be one awkward grandpa handing out cigars moment." MC

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