Finally, let's hear it for the GOP in the Senate.
Officer Faulkner's memorial plaque...placed where he fell.
Via Roll Call:
Seven Senate Democrats joined Republicans to block President Barack Obama’s pick of Debo P. Adegbile to lead the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division amid a controversy over his legal defense of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Adegbile’s nomination needed a simple majority to cut off debate but the chamber voted 47-52 against him.

"So Obowel calls it a "travesty" that this cop killing defender got booted? Wow, this must have really pissed Barry off. I'm curious, did they have to wake Barry to tell him? Anyway, no Osama Bin President, the travesty was that you nominated him. In a just world he would never have been nominated in the first place. Anything that this Racist in Chief calls a travesty must be good for the nation.You know what the travesty is Barry, the travesty is the way your trying to load this government with commies, terrorists, murderers, and racists. The "travesty" is this American hating community organizer and his destructive "policies". Be honest, he wasn't going to head the "Civil Rights Division at Justice". Call the position for what it really is, the DOJ's "Make Whitey Pay" Division. That's more what you and that sorry ass racist in the DOJ Eric Panther Holder had in mind. And Holder must be pissed. This guy was perfect for the job. Face it, this POS worked hard to deny civil rights to Faulkner and his widow. He demonstrated a lack of understanding of justice and a willful disregard for victims. Now he got what he deserved. Of course this will be portrayed on BSDNC and the other asskissing, commie, alphabet channels as having been a "racially motivated" GOP "obstruction, but who the f**k cares, it goes into the win column anyway. I have no doubt that President Mullah and Panther Holder have someone equally despicable waiting in the wings. After all, these are the only people they know." MC
Senate Majority Fossil Harry Reid Blames Racism For Defeat of Barry’s DOJ Nominee
"Harry, I am all out of "f**ks" to give for what you think or say. This miserable sack of shit never quits. Nevada needs to give Reid the "Bugsy" goodbye." MC
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