The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, May 11, 2014

More Of The Continuing Stupidity Of Nancy Peloshit

Peloshit Says: "Two Of The Families Of The Benghazi Dead Asked Us Not To Launch New Committee" 

"I can only say bullshit on this one. That's why the members of said families are standing at the podium with this despicable witch as she's making this statement. What a lying bitch. This proves just one thing, these lying bastards are desperate. This Marxist regime is running scared and are very desperate. They know full well that Benghazi can bring them down. Arming Al Qaeda, hiring Al Qaeda to guard the embassy and then letting them kill Ambassador Stevens in order to cover the gun running is nothing short of treason, for which Obowel and Killary should be arrested. I swear, everything these Libtard traitors do reeks of  fascism to the extreme, in every sense, in every circumstance. Peloshit is spewing her Herr Goebbels propaganda just like Barry. There MO is that of the fascist's that they are, "Tell a big lie, tell it often, tell it over and over again, and soon enough the people will believe it". But not this time. Tell you what Nancy, contact the families of the deceased. Place them under oath and produce signed affidavits regarding their desires, of any contacts with Peloshit, and how they have been treated by our government since the attack. If it turns out like I think it will, shove this down Peloshit's throat and remove her from office. She is so desperate. You can hear it in her voice. Treason is treason, it must be investigated and punished.

Truth be told, Barry wanted Benghazi swept under the rug due to pending election. It would have put the spotlight of weapons to Al-Qaeda in Syria under world spotlight. In addition to weapons
dealing, it clearly shows to the entire world what a disaster his Libya policy turned out to be. And what's more, don't f**king tell me that we could not get there in time, and even if we couldn't, we could have tried. We don't just write people off like that. Why we didn't try to save these four hero's is another question that needs to be answered. What it appears he does, is what any POS coward does, walks away hoping the media will ignore it, at least till the election is over. But the media did not ignore it. Sorry, FOX didn't ignore it. The rest of the Obowel ass kissing media covered it up with lies, which is even more treasonous.

Peloshit, Reid, and Obowel, oh hell, toss in Killary as well and make it a foursome of lying, excuse making, confused, slippery traitors more concerned with saving their own skin rather that getting to the bottom of this shameful event. They're like rats scurrying about as the not-so-good ship SS Obowel begins to take on serious water. As it continues to list, it could capsize and bring up still more hidden corruption on it's crew. I hope the lifeboats are as leaky as the administration is. So I am calling 100% bullshit on this one. Not buying one bit of what this lying bitch is saying, and I do not think I will be proven wrong. Wanna bet some people will be interviewing all of these families real fast to prove that Nancy lied again? Piloshit is, and has always been a liar. She would not know the truth if bit her in her wrinkled old ass" MC.

It's time Nancy.

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