The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Friday, May 2, 2014

Feel Good Story Of The Day

Fox News

Fox News 5th Most Watched Cable Channel In April, MSNBC 28th, CNN 31st…

Via TV Newswer:
Fox News was the top cable news network for the month of April, averaging 1,614,000 viewers in primetime and 960,000 viewers in total day. Fox News placed fifth in primetime and sixth in total day among all ad-supported cable networks for the month.
MSNBC placed 28th in primetime and 30th in total day, averaging 612,000 viewers and 356,000 viewers, respectively. CNN placed 31st in primetime and 30th in total day, delivering 533,000 primetime viewers and 420,000 total day viewers.
It's kinda amazing to see a News Channel stuck in the middle of this field.

"FoxNews Channel is #5 under 4 entertainment channels. Incredible! That explains it then, everybody's racist, just ask Orca Winfree. She'll tell ya. She'd be a rich woman today, if only she was white. I bet Barry's got a case of the sads right about now. Everytime he takes a swipe at FOX, the numbers come in and prove that people don't care what he thinks. He sells FoxNews as well as he sells firearms. Why is it you ask, that people prefer FoxNews to CNN and BSDNC? Because people don't want to watch lesbians, homosexuals, Islamic radicals, feminists, anti-white heterosexual, America hating, Jew hating, divisive, uninformed, sick,  fanatical commentary, family bashing, anti-Jesus, anti God, anti Church and anti-Capitalism fascist assholes, every minute of every day lecturing us. Even Joe Klein, from Time Magazine, says the only place you can get real news is Fox News. Watch:

Excuse me, but I got a tingle up my leg watching that clip! Well I guess "The Science is Settled". "The Consensus" is FOX kicks left stream media's ass because the truth will set you free." MC

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