The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Too Late Shillary, Makes No Difference Now.

Shillary Clinton Says Benghazi Is Her “Biggest Regret” As Secretary of State.

BOSTON – Hillary Clinton reiterated Wednesday that her darkest time as secretary of state was the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
Mrs. Clinton, in a speech to more than 3,000 people at a women’s leadership conference here, called the attack and loss of lives “very, very painful” and “certainly the biggest regret that I have as secretary of state.”
She noted that she had taken responsibility for security at the diplomatic outpost, where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died, and had pledged to do everything she could to ensure a similar tragedy won’t happen again.
The comments, which echo past remarks, came in reply to a question at a leadership conference hosted by Simmons College. They are a reminder that Mrs. Clinton knows she has still has to answer for Benghazi and continue to speak about it — although most of the talk Wednesday was focused on women’s rights, including her call for equal pay for equal work.
Mike Blake's Unbalanced Opinions
Yeah, I regret what happened in Benghazi

"Yeah, she regrets it made her look bad, but in regards to those killed, "What difference does it make?" Truth is Shill, real Americans regret that you were the Sec. of State. You have yet to
explain why the ambassador was sent there and why nothing was done to support or save the individuals who were left to fight to the death. Something tells me CNN cow Candy Crowley, BSDNC Beiber look a like Rachel Maddcow, or the rest of the democrap ass kissing media, won't be pushing you for answers to that, or much of anything else you lying, incompetent POS is criminally responsible for. But you can bet they will want to know how you feels about Chelsea's upcoming calving? "This can never happen again" she barks. But, it did f**king happen on your so-called watch and saying it can't happen again will not take away the fact that 4 Americans are dead and no one is taking any responsibility. All we have heard are lies, cover-ups and excuses for tragic and disrespectful behavior from you and every dam one of these liars in the administration. If you feel so bad about it, cough up the truth. You can implicate the whole damn corrupt reich. But, that will never happen, because you feel no remorse for those four murdered Americans, being the lying fraud that you are. Regret, I know of four families who regret your incompetence and politically inspired agenda far more than you do. How about you give a big "we regret to inform you Mrs. Steven's, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Doherty, and Mrs. Woods, your son's have fallen while my worthless ass failed do anything to protect them. Oh, and just another note on this, my boss in the Shite House lied about it because he didn't want to screw up his election and he said that these enemies were no longer a threat. Period.

Hillary Clinton Again Calls Benghazi ‘Biggest Regret’ as Secretary ...

I have a question Shill, how can you regret a mistake you claim to have never made? A little guilt trip, maybe? Doubtful. You are not one damn bit repentant, that we can be certain of. Your regret is that, that damned movie was ever made, and you regret that made up spontaneous protest, and you regret the evil right wing conspiracy made this an issue. Why, you regret this so much sometimes you wish those imaginary serbian snipers who you so skillfully dodged had been real. What most everyone has figured out by now Shillary is that your full of shit. Your child is making you a grandmother, something the victims at Benghazi will never get to experience. If you had done your job and protected them, they'd potentially be alive today. I'd say causing the deaths of 4 people would be more than "regrettable". I'd say it's unlawful, Shillary, and you should be in jail. No, your biggest regret is that the coverup of Benghazi did not go as planned. And that is your only regret." MC

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