The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's A RINO's World

Featuring: Chris "Crispy Cream" Christie

Christie Defends Gushing Over Obama One Week Before Presidential Election, Says He Would Do It Again…

"The funny thing is the Fat Jerk thinks he has a shot at the Presidency. Crispy just confirmed, if anyone needed confirmation, that he is a closet Democrap, you know, an all round asshole.
"Would do it again"? No doubt you would. You can kiss all presidential perspirations goodbye Crispy Creme. GOP persperations that is. We all know you wouldn't hesitate to do a Charlie Crist and turn in a heartbeat. I, for one, would never have voted for you, but there were bound to be some fools who might be duped, before you came out with this statement. Shows you for what you are, a worthless, disgraceful traitor to the cause of the American people, just like your buddy Barry. You were used Crispy, the Liar in Chief lied again and was not there to help "your people". Barry did nothing to help anyone. There are too many to mention who are still living in motels, their cars, whatever, because their insurance companies refused to pay, and the fed's turned their backs. Oh yeah, the Sandy debacle was a real eye-opener. Really showed how you could be played. Before that, you were touted as a union busting man of principles. Afterwards, nothing but a fat Obowel ass kisser with delusions of getting help from the government. Talk about a reversal of fortune, and you would "still do it". What a buffoon. We don't want Oliver Hardy as the nominee. This loser needs to stay far, far away from any national race. Elect a candidate like Crispy and get a libtard. The last conservative president was Ronald Reagan, and he made no apologies for being conservative." MC

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