The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Does Lurch Count This As An Accomplishment?

John Kerry Exclaims He Is “The First Catholic Secretary Of State In 33 Years”


Via CNS News:
In an op-ed published in the Boston Globe on Easter Sunday and posted on the State Department website, Secretary of State John Kerry recalled his days as an altar boy and pointed out that he is “the first Catholic Secretary of State in 33 years.”
Alexander Haig, who served as secretary of state to President Ronald Reagan from January 1981 to July 1982, was also a Catholic.
Last month, I traveled to Rome with President Obama, where I was honored to meet His Holiness Pope Francis,” said Kerry. “As an altar boy six decades ago, I never imagined that I would find myself crossing the threshold of the Vatican to see the Bishop of Rome.”
“Today, as the first Catholic Secretary of State in 33 years, I find special joy and pride in the way that the United States can partner with the Holy See to help meet some of our greatest global challenges,” said Kerry.
Kerry supports legalized abortion. In January 2004, when he was running for president then-Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis said that Kerry should not go to communion.
Keep reading…

"Let's re-phrase that Lurch, you should be the first Catholic secretary of state to be excommunicated? Marrying a filthy-rich ketchup heiress and betraying your country and religion
paid off well for you, didn't it Lurch? Lurch is the kind of Catholic that thinks he can pick and choose what belief's of Catholicism he wants to follow, and then declare himself devout. You can't scam God, horseface. You were a horseshit sailor, a horseshit Senator, he's been a horseshit Sec of State, and your  a horseshit Catholic as well. I guess that makes you an overall horseshit human being. And let's not forget traitor. Be honest for once Lurch, you are only a Catholic when it is politcally beneficial for you to be. Any other time you are just the usual lying bastard we've come to know over too many years of having to put up with your shit." MC

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