The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Yet Another Embarrassing Moment From The Liar In Chief

Did Obama Lie About What Was Said During His Meeting With Pope Francis?

Via Washington Times:
President Obama’s first meeting with Pope Francis produced a little schism of its own.

The Vatican and White House gave starkly different versions Thursday of Mr. Obama’s meeting with Francis.
The president’s account downplayed the Catholic Church’s concerns about religious freedom in the United States and Obamacare’s mandate to pay for contraception.
The pontiff and the president were cordial in the televised portions of their meeting, but a subtle competition to set the agenda played out after the meeting, which went well beyond its scheduled half-hour.

“We actually didn’t talk a whole lot about social schisms in my conversations with His Holiness,” Mr. Obama said at a press conference in Rome. “In fact, that really was not a topic of conversation.”
Mr. Obama deflected a reporter’s question about the extent of his discussion with the pope on the contraceptive mandate by saying that Francis “actually did not touch in detail” on the subject. The administration has been locked in a lengthy legal and political battle with the U.S. Catholic Church hierarchy over Obamacare and issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.
The Vatican, however, issued a statement after the meeting saying the president’s discussions with Francis and two other top Vatican officials focused “on questions of particular relevance for the [Catholic] Church in [the United States], such as the exercise of the rights to religious freedom, life and conscientious objection” — issues that have fueled divisions between Mr. Obama and the church.

"Did Barry lie? Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears shit in the woods? Lets see. Who should I believe? A shit full of president or a holy man? I'll take the holy man. Reality is the American People
know they have been lied to, and I don't think they feel it was done by the Pope. Of course he lied, and the Acorn community organizer has been lying again. He doesn't know how not to. Does anyone actually believe that the Liar in Chief will stop lying just because he is speaking with the Pope. “We actually didn’t talk a whole lot about social schisms in my conversations with His Holiness, in fact, that really was not a topic of conversation", Barry said at a press conference in Rome. Really? So what did they talk to him about then, Notre Dame basketball? NCAA basketball brackets? No, the Pope schooled the fraud and he knows it. Sorry libtards, but I would believe the Vatican over Barry. Hell, I would believe anyone over Barry. He has proven time and time again what a liar he is. When it comes to truth, I'd tend to go with the Pope, period.


The Pope's expression and posture speak volumes. I have no doubt the Pope has no use for the Chicago Jesus, and this photo clearly shows that. I'm also guessing this meeting was not his idea. You know, when I look at that picture, I can't help but think that the Pope should be singing "clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle of you". You got Barry smiling as if someone just told him the American economy is crubling, and Lurch doing his best muppet face impersonation. What a couple of idiots that represent us. I'm sure glad the Pope is smart enough to know that America, for the most part, is not like these two morons. I wonder if Barry brought his battalion of Secret Service agents with him to remind the Pope of how important he is. So here we have it. Two men, one who is the spiritual leader to millions of shallow mindless followers, and the other, the Pope. The look on the Pope's face says it all. The Poor Pope looks like he's been had, and is not pleased to have wasted his time with this anti Christ fraud. I hope he had a cross, holy water and garlic on him for protection. Barry looks pleased as hell, no pun intended, and thinks he put one over God, ( how little he knows) and Lurch justs stands there hoping he doesn't get struck by lightning, and hoping he gets another purple heart if he does. Well. at least there was one thing that made the Pope smile, and that was when these two clowns left the Vatican so at least the Pope can get back to some serious business." MC
and Senator Kerry smile as they embrace after Obama announced Kerry ...

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