Todays Episode:
Anita Hill Says Clarence Thomas Wouldn’t Have Been Confirmed If “I Had Been A Blonde Female”…

Cooking up more lies.
Cooking up more lies.
“I think [if I was a white woman] it could have changed some of the dynamics. But I think it is very clear when you have a senator, like Senator Simpson, saying something like ‘sexual harassment is crap,’ then they weren’t willing to deal with sexual harassment of any woman… I think [Senator Strom Thurmond] would not have embraced Clarence Thomas had I been a blonde female. His constituents, many of his supporters, would not have allowed it.”
"I did not believe her then and I do not believe her now. Plus, if she was a dumb blonde, her I.Q. would be 20 points higher. Why does this habitual liar and stalker continue to get publicity? Because she's attacking a conservative justice, that's why. These racist libtards sure hold a grudge for years don't they? Even if it's imaginary and made up. The democraps must have hired the Army Corps of Engineers to dig up this old fossil for this story. Sorry Anita-brain, you worthless, lying, racist, libtard tool, but your 15 minutes were up a long, long time ago. We know that the "Lion of the Senate" and his drinking buddies put you up to that scheme, and you went along for the ride, didn't you? To bad they don't prosecute black mailers (no pun intended) like you Anita, otherwise you'd still be in jail. We know the whole thing was a set up from the get go and you and your Democrap friends knew it. What is really true is if you hadn't been black, you would have been in jail for lying to Congress, under the direction of Teddy Kennedy of course.
What the hell is Anita-tention doing these days? Is she a DMV lady, or working with Tawana as a nurse's aide? One thing we do know is that she is still lying all these years later. And by the way
Anita-help, Alan Simpson didn't say all sexual harrassment was crap. He said just your bogus claim that Clarence Thomas sexually harrassed her was crap. Lying again. The country has grown tired of you woman and your endless lies. As I see it, the truth is you were a half assed lawyer and Thomas tried to help you by bringing you into government service. You were in love with him and wanted him to marry you. When he didn't and married a white woman instead, you tried to get revenge by testifying against him. It was supposed to be anonymous, but the Leftists outed you and dragged you into public view. That is the real story and you told a bunch of lies to smear the guy. You tried. You failed. Put it behind you and move on, Anita-doctor. It's over and done." MC
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