The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Yet Another Edition Of "Let's Play The Race Card"

Todays Episode:
Paul Krugman, NYT, Says All Conservatives Are Racists…

"There are many negative things you can say about Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee and the G.O.P.’s de facto intellectual leader. But you have to admit that he’s a very articulate guy, an expert at sounding as if he knows what he’s talking about.
So it’s comical, in a way, to see Mr. Ryan trying to explain away some recent remarks in which he attributed persistent poverty to a “culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working.” He was, he says, simply being “inarticulate.” How could anyone suggest that it was a racial dog-whistle? Why, he even cited the work of serious scholars — people like Charles Murray, most famous for arguing that blacks are genetically inferior to whites. Oh, wait.
Just to be clear, there’s no evidence that Mr. Ryan is personally a racist, and his dog-whistle may not even have been deliberate. But it doesn’t matter. He said what he said because that’s the kind of thing conservatives say to each other all the time. And why do they say such things? Because American conservatism is still, after all these years, largely driven by claims that liberals are taking away your hard-earned money and giving it to Those People.
Indeed, race is the Rosetta Stone that makes sense of many otherwise incomprehensible aspects of U.S. politics.
We are told, for example, that conservatives are against big government and high spending. Yet even as Republican governors and state legislatures block the expansion of Medicaid, the G.O.P. angrily denounces modest cost-saving measures for Medicare. How can this contradiction be explained? Well, what do many Medicaid recipients look like — and I’m talking about the color of their skin, not the content of their character — and how does that compare with the typical Medicare beneficiary? Mystery solved."  Paul Krugman, NYT

""Because American conservatism is still, after all these years, largely driven by claims that liberals are taking away your hard-earned money and giving it to Those People". Wow, this NYT asshole finally gets it. And we taxpayers get it too because it's our EARNED money. What part of that is false? And by "those people", I believe it to be anyone who didn't earn the money in the first place, color be damned. You automatically think black. You see Paulie, you leftist libtard's tend to think in terms of groups. This is why a black conservative is one of the most loathsome things alive to a leftist. They don't follow (obey) the leftist groupies. Many idiots are usually harmless, but not Krugman. He is a rather dangerous idiot, since the commies at the NYT gave him a megaphone. It's funny that these slandering libtard pigs never seem to come out in public so we can respond to them. Instaed they hide behind their laptop and run and hide after they type their bullshit. Far be it from them to respond to what they write. Unless of course they get a gig on BSDNC where they are praised for their dribble. You know what No-where-man, just because I believe in working for a living, I don't support abortion, I don't care for a suppressive government, I stand by the Constitution, I love family and I love God, jackassess like you call me "racist". I believe you do it just because I have higher moral values than you scum. So keep calling me "racist", I'll wear it like a badge of honor.

Libtard/progressive/democraps call people racists for only two reasons:
1 - They think we will end our criticism of their policies of destruction.
2 - They have absolutely no defense of their actions and don't have to offer any.
Liberalism when on open display is nothing but a joke. It is the self-styled Leftists like Krugman, who seek to justify their theft by falsely claiming that they are benefiting "those people" in doing so. Bottom line moron, "Liberals" are taking our hard earned money and giving it to others. That's a fact Mr. Compassion. Candidate 0bowel explained this as "spreading the wealth around." Now that he is doing it and not hiding the fact that the giveaways are going to predominately black people is not our fault. That Ryan recognizes 0bowel's giveaway is not our fault. 0bowel is still stealing our money and giving it to select groups for votes. You should spend time recognizing this evil Mr. Krugman, rather than pretend it does not exist. Enslaving people on government dependency is wrong. It is Paul Ryan and conservatives who want to help those who have been enslaved by the democrapic party.

I prefer to live among people who are honest, thoughtful and and support themselves. I really
don't give a f**k what they "makes" me. It doesn't matter if libtards like Paul Krugman calls me racist, because that is the kind of things Democraps do all the time. Just keep this tactic up until November, as I'm sure your base will keep eating this shit up. Problem is, so will our base." MC

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