Via The Political Commentator
Don’t look now but the very short fuse in Eastern Europe is getting perilously close to ignition.
Also don’t look now but our Commander-in-Chief, after issuing his typical useless rhetoric regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is on his way to Connecticut to talk about the minimum age.
Perhaps someone should let the President know that his true and only mandates as POTUS are to uphold the Constitution and national security.
He is of course failing miserably at both!
For anyone out there who voted for Obama once or even twice you are now reaping what you sowed while dragging the other Americans who knew better and the rest of the world down with you!

"Geez, I guess when Obowel remided Putin that Russia had promised repeatedly that if the Ukrainians liked their country, they could keep their country, Period, it would solve the problem. Unfortunatley for Barry, breaking your promise only works here in America. I'm sure he sternly told Vlad it's not nice of him to break his promise. I know, to the LIV's out there, the Ukraine is someone who owns a machine that picks up heavy things. But to the rest of us informed people, it is a hot bed in a world of crisis. The clear violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine, and the unrest in the Middle East, is just the tip of the iceberg to what can be seen as a world in turmoil. And as the world looks to the United States for a response, what does Obowel do? The empty suit is going to "deliver remarks" again on this minimum wage bullshit. You know, the bullshit Dingy Harry declared was dead last week, saying he didn't have the votes in the Senate to pass it. That's what this fraud is going to devote his time to. It is shocking to see Obowel ignore the Ukraine situation. Perhaps someone should let President Fraud know that his true and only mandates as POTUS are to uphold the Constitution and national security. Two things he is of course failing miserably at! Are you LIV's getting the feeling Barry is way out of his league being president of the USA yet. Nah! All that piece of shit does is campaign. Someone should stick a sock between those purple lips next time he opens his mouth. Going to "deliver remarks" again, I can't stand that expression, can't we change it to something like "blow hot air" or "babble"? "Deliver remarks" sounds just as inappropriate as "First Lady" with these swindlers. It's just f**king swell that President Panty Waste is flying at our great expense to Connecticut in order to try and sell an idea that is already as dead as the brainwave activity occurring in his vice president's plugged up skull.Yes sir, when the going gets tough, this administration gets going, out of town campaigning or on another vacation. Anything but dealing with the important issues. A world crisis, it's time to campaign!
It's typical Obozo though, Eastern Europe is a powder keg and he doesn't want to deal with it. Gotta deal with the issues the LIV's want. You can always count on this Administration to keep promoting an issue with built-in slogans that does well in focus groups of LIVs, to shift the debate away from what an incompatent, unqualified, failure he really is. It's never about the important issues, it always about the flavor issues of the day for the LIV.s, Its all about access to Healthcare, until its all about extending unemployment benefits, until the most important thing is the Republican War on Women, unless its all about gays rights, until its all about income inequality, and now all about a "Liveable" wage. They keep shifting the discourse as soon as another of their super "smart" ideas falls on its face. Maybe he will mention climate change again to look tough. Obowel's contempt for the American People is breathtaking. Why worry about what Russia is doing? Afterall, you his number one concern and world enemy is the Tea Party. That's where his focus needs to be.
Obowel's foreign policy is "be soft and carry a big golf club". What was it that Sarah Palin said back in 2008? "After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and equivalence. The kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade the Ukraine next". Yep, Sarah Palin was way ahead of the pack and the ass kissing MSM. And for that, she got demonized by them. Who's the asshole now? It's amazing how
Barry calls Putin and tells him he is not happy with what he's doing and to cut it out, and Vlad hangs up, laughs, and goes ahead anyway. And Barry's genius of a Secratary of State says of Putin, "he's not going to gain from this". What, he already has you jackass. The point of this exercise is intimidation and to establish a new boundary. Putin has succeeded in both. And you idiots will push for a compromise, and then pat yourselves on the back for avoiding war, which means that Putin gains what he didn't have, and the Ukraine loses what was theirs. Nice going. Any sentence from this Administration starting with "let me be clear" signals total bullshit.You leftist libtard's could hide Benghazi from the masses in the United States with the ass kissing media you influence, but you couldn't conceal it from the tyrant's who run nations like Russia, Syria and China. The only countries strong enough to back down Putin are China and the USA. China won't do it because they are fellow comrades. That leaves Barry. Yeah right, I can hear Putin laughing from my house. Putin doesn't give one shit about what Barry or Traitor John thinks. Putin did this because he knows Obowel is a pathetic weakling, a loser who lights up a few joints in the evening, watches movies and goes to bed. Each and every libtard voter is to blame for giving Putin this green light. Should a single life be shed, it's fat, dumb and lazy American leftist's, too self-interested in their free ObamaShit, that told the tyrant nobody would lift a finger in pushing back. It is time the responsible half of this nation take it back." MC
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