The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, March 9, 2014

That Was Quick. New Yorkers Sick of Communist Mayor DeCommieo

New Yorkers like Mayor de Blasio — they just don’t think he’s all that hot at his job, according to a poll released Thursday.
Just over a third of registered city voters — 39% — say de Blasio has done a “good” or “excellent” job, the survey by Marist College, NBC4 and The Wall Street Journal found.
More voters — 57% — disapprove, rating his performance either “fair” or “poor.” Keep reading…
deBlasio Soviet

Not happy? OK then, why don't you New York City LIV morons march down to city hall, grab the bastard and toss his ass out onto the street? Oh, not ready to do that yet? Why, because he might have something good in store for you later on down the road. New York City LIV's are some of the dumbest Americans alive. Everyone else in the country knew what to expect from DeCommieo, but you New Yorkers didn't? Reap what ya sow morons. Sounds like poetic justice to me.

Running for Mayor in New York City

So his approval is higher among the 'takers' than among the 'givers'. Unbelievable? No, not really. More like predictable. It's pretty much the same on a national level with Barry Claus. Funny how it always works out that way for commies isn't it? Oh well, thats Commies for you, LIV's can't live with them, and can't live without them. Shocking how many people think they want Communism until they see it up close and personal. What's even sadder, many of these idiots will vote for the next admitted Communist again because DeCommieo wasn't the right one to make it work, or something stupid like that. Don't you just love libtards though. They elect these corrupt, commie politicians to uphold this bullshit ideology of theirs, and when it doesn't work they're unhappy. Except of course for the 39% of the LIV assholes that approve, who probably feel he's their meal ticket. I guess he isn't delivering the free shit quick enough. Go figure.

Secular Perspectives

I cannot think of another state or city leader who was initially elected and within only 2 months was this unpopular. That takes a special kind of effort. DeCommieo's running neck and neck with Obowel as the most unpopular political commie stooge in America now. DeCommieo has
managed in only 2 months to alienate his voters and his own political party. Yeah, yeah, I know, Che DeCommieo just needs a little more time and your money to get his "Commie Train Wreck" up and running. He's got 4 years to do it, and it's gonna be a long, miserable four years. I think it was Lincoln who said "the best way to repeal a truly terrible law is to follow it to the letter. Let the people get sick of it". I think that applies here. All the LIV libtards that comprise most of NYC that voted this commie clown into office, let them get a taste of what a real terrible, commie, leftist, politician serves up. Like Lincoln said, "Let the people get sick of it"." MC

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