Giving People Extra Time To Enroll In Obamacare Is “Not An Extension”…
Nice job Kathy.
"And Goebbels told the German people that Hitler's regime wasn't trying to wipe the entire Jewish race off the face of the earth. Do these idiots really think that propoganda is going to work
with the majority of the American people? They're all one great big joke. I mean these liars can't even get their lies straight. Kathleen Sebidiot says it's about people waiting in line. Imagine, waiting in line on the internet? Reid says it's because older folks don't know how to use the internet. Anyone else have a f**king story? What pathetic, lying human beings these people are. Simply incredible. As if we needed yet another example how government is criminally inept.

So, allowing people to enroll in Obowelcare after the deadline is “Not An Extension”? Not surprising. Democraps will tell you taking someone's property without their permission is not stealing, giving wrong information to people to mislead them is not lying, rigging the game so that you can win is not cheating, snow isn't cold, rain isn't wet, and blow jobs are not sex. Just ask Shillary. It is shocking how comfortable they are at lying. They would flat line a polygraph while lying. Sociopaths, all of them who aren't psychopaths. Might be my imagination, but don't these lies seem to get more bizarre when the Liar in Chief is making a fool of himself away from our shores. Being so desperate to not be made a fool of by missing his magical 7 million figure, our superhero, Captain Communist, decides to risk it all by pushing the legal deadline farther out and then lying that it is not an extension. And when that new red line has been reached, and they still are millions short, what then? Stay tuned and see what the Dipchit Occupant of the Shite House will do next." MC
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