The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, March 24, 2014

Crazy Uncle Joe Says It Again

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“It’s Barbaric” Not To Give Gays Special Treatment…

Joe Biden
Via The Hill:
Vice President Joe Biden championed gay rights Saturday night, saying “dignity and respect” for all needs to remain the nation’s “north star.”
As keynote speaker at the Human Rights Campaign dinner in Los Angeles, Biden thanked the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community for making legislative strides on their behalf.
“I won’t be satisfied until every LGBT person has equal rights, only then will we be a whole nation,” he said.Biden touted efforts from the Obama administration, such as ObamaCare’s recent move requiring health insurers to cover same-sex spouses.
He also urged the passing of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which protects gay and transgender people by banning employers from making hiring and firing decisions on the basis of sexual orientation.
“In some states, employers can fire you for who you are or who you love, it’s close to barbaric,” he said. “Pass ENDA now. Not tomorrow. Now.”
joe biden nuts

"Barbaric? Really? No, it is barbaric to place a barely trained asshole in the office of vice president.  It's barbaric, cruel and unusual punishment just listening to your babbling bullshit. Hey Joey, can you tell me just one 'right' from the Bill of Rights that LGBT people don't have? They want the right to force people to hire them, apparently. If this ENDA shit passes, any time a gay person is fired or doesn't get hired for a job, they'll be able to sue the employer for discrimination, and the employer will be forced to prove that sexual orientation wasn't the basis for the decision. That sounds like a good racket, the same as extortion. That's exactly what it is. They're just going to take a page from Jessah Jackass playbook. Tell me JoJo, how many disruptive trannies do you have on your staff. I suggest you start hiring some lest you be deemed a hypocritter. I hope all you LGBT'ers out there know that Obowel and Biteme do nothing unless it is good for them politically. They could give a rat's ass about you and your "homosexual rights". I would love to know what Plugs has to say about the homosexuals in private? Probably something along the lines of what Lyndon Johnson said about blacks. I guess the Race Card is getting boring so now, so JoJo need's to play the Queer Card. It's all he has. And, remember, one heartbeat away. Scary!

I guess equal treatment under law isn't good enough any more? It has to be "Special" groups get "special" treatment? What rights don't they have? Civil rights are being hijacked and redefined as emotional rights. Show us a detailed list of people fired from jobs for "who they love". Employers don't care who or how you screw. They care if you are productive and earn them
money. Employers don't ask who you have sex with on job applications. The LGBT political groups are demanding special rights that trump other citizens rights. This is based solely on politics, greed, financial gain and emotional victimhood. Trouble is, they aren't interested in equal rights, they want special rights. They don't want equal treatment, they want preferential treatment. Regulating sexuality is not the governments job. The majority of the people trying to force this ideology into society are not gay. They are libtard marxist political activists. So give it up, Joey. You ain't gonna be President. Not now, not ever. No matter how much you pander to the gays, lesbians, or anybody else." MC

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