The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Another Edition Of "No Justice, No Peace"

Rearend Al Sharpnuts

Today's Cause:
Welcome home for convicted voter fraud felon

Democraps and Rearend Al honored a disgraced Hamilton County poll worker, convicted of voting multiple times, at a Voter Bill of Rights rally Thursday.

al sharpton the man whose let s watch this cracker suffer chants ...

"Since when did being a criminal become a badge of honor? I guess they will be honoring Lois
Lerner next. Next they will give her the Nobel Peace prize, just wait and see. Let's put this in perspective, here is a woman, convicted of not one, but several counts of voter fraud, which is a federal crime, And why? Could it be because she was..., I'm sure it is. Boy those democraps, they will lie, cheat, steal, and destroy our country to further their agenda. No shame, no disgrace, no apology. If it is corrupt, they will do it. If it is wrong, they will glory in it. But then, criminals love criminals. This has become the norm for Democraps. No respect for law, and totally no respect for the United States of America. 
... project breaking obama campaign caught in major nc vote fraud scheme

Democraps always vote for Democraps. According to Leftists and "the entitled," the words "voter fraud" only happen when a Republican or Conservative wins an election. Eventually, "voter fraud" will be considered a racist term. That's probably the reason Rearend Al is there. Only Rearend Al Sharpnuts and his racist cronies could embrace someone like this. It stands to reason that an Anti-America, race baiting liar like Sharpnuts would attempt to make a hero out of a criminal. Sharpnuts had every reason to support her,  she's black, she voted for the worst president in our nation's history six times in two elections,  she's black, he's all for people who have criminal records, and she's black. Goes to show you trash attract's trash. Sharpnuts has based his whole life on fraud. No reason to change now.
Project Veritas Uncovers Democratic Voter Fraud

One thing is certain, if it had been a Republican voting more than once in all of those elections, for sure they would not have been released. Of course without the illegals, the voting more than
once LIV's, the black panthers, rigged voting booths and of course the dead who came back to vote, Obowel would not be in the Shite House taking up the Oval office, being the first black president, the first illegal president, the first Muslim president, the first president to refuse to salute the flag and the first American hating president. Yes he can claim to be the first in a lot of things, but being the best president is not one of them. How about being the best worst president." MC

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