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Picture's of the Day:
Joke of the Day:
Hillary’s New Look

"When Obama jokes about being able to do whatever he wants, then turns around and hits an HBO producer up at a State Dinner for advanced copies of television shows to get him through an extended weekend, how are we as a desperate electorate supposed to react? We tolerate the luxuries afforded to our leaders. Just don't be a d*** about it.
How is a world currently engulfed in flames of revolution supposed to react?
The problem for a President who makes any excuse to hit up a golf course or admits to watching tons of HBO is there are still events in the world happening outside his windows. People are desperate for American leadership and can't wait for the killer on True Detective to be revealed.
Nobody in Kiev is interested in the fallout of the Red Wedding.
Nobody in Venezuela cares about the fate of Zoe Barnes…
At the height of violence that erupted with both protests this past weekend, where was he? Hosting a Hollywood premiere style party for #GeorgeClooney and cast of his film #TheMonumentsMen, in private at the White House, simply because he could. Right now in Kiev, historical statues and art are being burned in front of the world. He was content to remain silent and watch a movie about it happening instead. The real world does not interest this President. The set design does." --Stephen Miller
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