The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

NAACP Racist Spokesman Basically Says No real black person can be a conservative.

Via WaPo:
An NAACP leader in North Carolina said Tuesday that the tea party is actively seeking out minorities to use as “mouthpieces.”
“They frantically seek out people of color to become mouthpieces for their particular agenda,” the Rev. William Barber said on a conference call.
Barber, the head of the North Carolina NAACP, recently caused controversy by comparing Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the lone black Republican in Congress, to a ventriloquist’s dummy at an event in South Carolina last month.

Racist Reverend Lardass Rev. William Barber 

Wait, “Frantically Seeking People of Color To Become Mouthpieces For Their Agenda” Doesn't that describe the NAACP? What he’s really saying is no "real" black person can be a conservative". How soon they forget Colonel West, or do they even count him as a black man anymore? I sure do. This fat turd is nothing but an angry hater. The NAACP is seeking anyone that could portray their racist policies as honest or intelligent. Truth is, those with any intelligence have already left the racist DNC plantation and race card organizations like the NAACP. You see Reverend Lard Ass, conservative blacks are seeking out the Tea Party so they can give their view point and demonstrate how the democrap policies of the last 50 years have hurt America and the black communities. All one really has to do is ask, "Are you better off today than you were before Obowel was elected"? These Leftist's only see skin color. Content of character is irrelevant. Thats because they don't have any character. Truth is, brain power is far more important than skin color. Ask Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Col. Alan West, and Walter Williams. 

This fat slob Barber is a piece of f**king work. He has probably never worked for a living, hides behind supposedly being a minister, and practices Black Liberation Theology, a catch phrase for
racist blacks to claim God wants them to be racists. Pretty good scam, huh?  Their way of dealing with the fact that there is a growing number of black and minority conservatives and Tea Party members is to discredit and villify these people. The NAACP cannot allow people like Allen West, Tim Scott, Mia Love and so many more like them to become role models. That would spell end of the NAACP. To them, if conservatives run a black candidate he's a sellout you picked for his color. And if they run a white candidate, he or she is too racist to trust a black. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. There's no doubt the NAACP singles people out buy the color of their skin. By their own definition they are a racist organization, and I'd bet amongst themselves they are proud of that disinction." MC

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