The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hey Libtards, How About That $12,000 Dress?

Hey BSDNC, I think I know where Tingles Matthews is hiding.

"All that's missing is the curtain rod across the shoulders. I guess the drapes in the Blue Room at the Shite House are no longer there. Are you kidding me? This , whatever it is cost 12 grand? Remember when the MSM bitched about the money spent on Sarah Palin's wardrobe? During the 2008 campaign, Libtards flipped out when the RNC gave Sarah Palin a $150,000 clothing allowance. By my pre-Core math calculations, Mooch would only have been able to buy a dozen dresses with that paltry amount. And now the MSM are besides themselves and drool over Moochel's wardrobe. WTF?  I mean really, $12k for something that looks like you bought at a tent and awning store. That thing could double as a parachute for God's sake. I guess it takes that much material to cover that gigantic ass. I mean either her ass is either that big, or her mooching mother is underneath the dress so she can grab some of the appetizers. Think of how many people in America could use $12,000 and this fraud is blowing it on a tent, I mean "dress", for her huge ass! I'm sick of these f**king elitist hippocriters! Paging Bill Clinton. Another "woman" in the Shite House in a blue dress available. Make sure to stop and buy cigars on the way. And that poor Marine having to see that. Will that brave marine get a purple heart for having to witness something so disturbing? He should get combat pay. Our military shouldn't have to be subjected to presidential abuse of power. 

The national poverty level for a single person is $11,500. So that means Mooch's dress was more than what a poor person can expect to make in a year. That's how the Obowel's help the poor. I feel confident that when she looked at herself in the mirror she envisioned an actual crown on her wig covered head. To quote Mel Brooks, "it's good to be the Queen!" What the hell, just another investment for, We The People. 

It's time.

I cannot wait until these two commie, country hating frauds are out of the Shite House and into oblivion. This has been a devastating 6 years for America. I've never seen anything like this in my life. The abuses of this commie regime against us must be stopped. I don't give a shit how this taker looks in this thing or that thing. She and that asshole she's supposedly married to are drunk with power and ego and do not deserve to be where they are. They and their minions and political henchmen are a destructive force in our constitutional republic. Pray that their time will be up soon." MC

Some ideas for the dress when the dinner is over.

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