The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, February 28, 2014

Another Edition of "Liberal's Say The Darndest Things"

Today Featuring: John Traitor Kerry
Along with other members of Obama and Soros’s ’Marxist’ MSM ...

Global Warming Is An “Instrument of Mass Destruction”

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Middle Eastern Promises: Blue Bombs

Listen up, Lurch, global warming does not exist! Except of course in the mindless empty spaces of libtard skulls. So climate change is the "instruments, of mass destruction"? So says Rambo, hero of the Vietnam War and a legend in his own mind. No dipshit, the Obowel Administration, Democrap Party, the majority of the media, and you are the "instruments, of mass destruction". Hey traitor,  just shut the hell up and pay your yacht taxes, you ketchup asshole. And while they talk about all this climate change bullshit, tell me lurch are you aware that the Russians are in Cuba and the Iranians are right off our Atlantic coast?? Who the f**k is running this country? John is ike a dog licking his balls, he knows not what he does. He's 100% brain dead. A true miracle that he can speak at all. Typical demorap.

The more people are being made awawre of the "The Big Lie", the further into hysteria the left moves. You can feel their world crumbling. Do us a favor Lurch, take Al Gorey and go wind surfing on Lake Michigan? Good Lord, this man is a total idiot! When you are a complete f**king idiot, original thinking is an abstract concept. And it goes double for this traitorous fraud who's only use is as Obowel's sock puppet parroting the Commie in Chief's policy to f**k over everyone but his party's minons.
Source: Registered Media.com

Traitor Kerry over the years has repeatedly violated the first rule of political bullshit, and unfortunately continues to do so, and that is: "When in trouble or when in doubt, it is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove any and all doubt". He is stupid, can't stay silent, and is a fool. The same can be said about the divisive, disingenuous, mean
spirited, lying, Marxist, racist, narcissistic brat he works for. All the numbers and junk science is not meant to make sense, it is to confuse and complicate matters. These libtards have destroyed public schools so a large portion of our children will growup having no critical thinking skills of their own and will believe these "experts". Truth is, GloBullshit Warming is just another Libtard propaganda campaign to separate you from your wallet. Something they are experts at." MC

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