Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
"...the government has decided, after what it will call careful examination, not to charge itself for its own internal lawlessness and vindictiveness.
John Boehner, I will point out for the hundredth time, never appointed a specific select committee to investigate what we all know, despite the FBI’s denials, was, in fact, an “enemy hunt.” And the reason, as I speculated at the time and continue to believe even more firmly now — and to my knowledge, was the first person to make the claim publicly and unabashedly — is that either by omission or (even more likely) at least partial commission, both establishment parties, that is, the ruling class, will have its fingerprints somewhere on this noxious torment of US citizens engaging in political activism, and so neither is eager for any serious investigation into the matter.
One need look no further than the Rovean, establican, Chamber of Commerce, and Facebook/Google-funded “conservative” action groups formed by ruling class embeds who live like cysts on the body politic and who have made it quite clear that they are willing — together, as a matter of pulled resources and a joint rhetorical effort — to decimate and delegitimate constitutionalists and classical liberals who have had the temerity to insist that the government is theirs and doesn’t belong solely to elected representatives who, once appointed to office, are free to line their own pockets, accrue their own perks and power, and disregard the wishes of those by whom they were elected, to understand that both parties likely had a hand in pressuring the IRS into more thoroughly scrutinizing the TEA Party groups. And if that held those groups up, or weakened them during election and primary season? Oh well. Such is life." --Jeff Goldstein
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