WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Friday, January 10, 2014
Christie Creame's "Fat And Furious" Scandal
"OK, now that Christie Creame has been involved in a scandal, and his chances of getting a nomination for President is just about over, don't you think now would be as good a time as any to do what he sould have done a year ago and become a democrap? After all, he is not a conservative and never has been. So why not become a democrap where at least he will still have a chance for the nomination. Because afterall, democraps love their politicians much better when they are involved in scandals or are caught lying. It's their badge of honor. With that said, anyone that doesn't think this fat ass RINO was behind this is smoking that funky weed. No, he didn't realize he was closing the bridge. What did he think it was a gastric bypass. Looks like Humpty Dumpty has made a great fall. He apparently said that he hasn't been able to sleep for two nights over this whole affair. He also said he just learned about the emails yesterday morning when they came out in a NJ news magazine. I believe about the email thing. Not because I believe that he didn't know, but because he probably didn't know those emails existed. He can't believe his administration would leave such a email trail, the stupid asses. Bottom line, this was pre-planned, with all the Departments involved, and the New Jersey Lardass had to know about it. This is his "Fat and Furious" scandal. Maybe he can blame it on a you tube video. Maybe his buddy Obowel will come to his rescue, give him a big hug for a photo op and defend him. As far as I'm concerned Christie Creame made a major unforgivable mistake in seeming to endorse Obowel in 2012 instead of siding with Romney. Payback is a bitch ain't it Christie?
I am no Christie Creame fan, but I am also not a fan of double standards either. Too bad the press can't cover Benghazi, Solyndra, Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA, etc. like they have covered this. For the Obowel media to be all over this scandal like flies on shit, is not only hypocritical given the treatment of the POS in the Shite House and his countless scandals, but also smacks of their attempt to take down a potential rival to the Bitch of Benghazi. Interesting that we have hours of detailed back-and-forth on a lane closure, which is about hours more detailed back-and-forth than we've gotten on Benghazi. But, while we are totally aware of how the press is hypocritical by holding any Republican to a higher standard than they would any Democrap, we all know that is
the case and will always be the case, so it's time to get over it. However, in evaluating Christie for president, and while he would be marginally better than Obowel or Clinton, I think he shares many of the same traits as those two. Christie or Hellary, what difference would it make? He's a big government guy, he is a bully and a blowhard, and I don't believe for one minute that he wasn't behind the lane closure or that he didn't know anything about it and was totally blindsided yesterday. If that's true he's an idiot, if not a liar. What this does do is it helps eliminate a conservative fraud from running on the Republican ticket. We have over two years, and we need to get on the horse now and pick the best conservative candidate out there. And even if this debacle had never happened, that candidate is not Christie Creame, or Jeb f**king Bush, and someone needs to slap the shit out of Karl Rove, because I'm sick of that scumbag being the determining factor as to who represents me too. Mike Huckabee, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, I'm sure I'm forgetting some. I don't even trust any of them to run with intentions of conservative values. Conservative frauds, all of them. We need a true conservative not a RINO." MC
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