The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, January 4, 2014

BSDNC's Stupidity Of The Week

Duck Dynasty “Strategy” Is To Appeal To “Misogynist, Racist, Anti-Gay” Right Wing.

Via Newsbusters:
THOMAS ROBERTS: Well as we look at that, because look at this, the Duck Commander company itself, it’s worth a reported $400 million through the sale of duck calls, other items that they produce. We’ve got 11.8 million viewers tuning in for the premiere of season 4 Ladd. So this family earned $200,000 per episode that season and they represent and they speak to a large swath of the country. Primarily the stereotype almost that you just pointed out. But how do you try to combat that? Because, obviously they’re within their rights to go ahead and do this. This is all legal.
LADD EVERITT: Well, look, I mean I think the Robertson family is banking on being able to market firearms, you know, by issuing some of these very extreme political comments and hoping that it appeals to basically a swath of far right-wing Americans that they assume are their main customer base. I’m hoping that backfires. When you poll gun owners in this country, the fact is that the overwhelming majority of them are very moderate in their views. And I think many of them will not embrace the type of, you know, misogynist, racist, anti-gay comments that Phil Robertson is making. And my hope here is that this strategy, if it is indeed a strategy, will backfire on them.

"That conga line of misfits and freaks at BSDNC can't talk about anything positive. They find racism and sexism in everything. BSDNC,just when we thought you really couldn't be any more moronic and foolish. Really? That's right, the right all hate gays. We hate all black people, we hate women, and on and on. Listen, when you clean your house of bigots, racists, heterophobes, religion bashers, etc., we'll talk. Otherwise, just STFU. I know in order for you to do that, you would have to commit mass suicide at the station, which by the way is just fine by me. And really, the "swath of far right-wing Americans"? Who the he!! even talks like that? Oh, wait, Ladd does. Ladd, what the hell kind of name is Ladd? I got a question for you Ladd, how old were you when you got your head stuck up your libtard ass? You hope supporting the Robertson's backfires on the right? Look, the fact you fools are still on the air and it has not back fired for you proves it will never backfire for the right. These clowns are so deeply delusional, and are such compulsive, pathological liars that they're spewing their hopes in their dumb-ass narrative that they've set for themselves, and are trying to force on the public, for the Duck Dynasty show to 'backfire'. Truth is, they hoped the show would fail from the very beginning, and tried to make that happen, but that backfired on them which, in turn, started this whole DD support ball rolling in the first place. You can't make this stuff up. Personally, I think A&E thought this would be their version of "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo", where they could hold a redneck family up to national ridicule, and we'd all laugh at their prayers before dinner, and Phil's old fashioned beliefs. Yeah, the kids address their elders as "ma'am" and "sir," don't talk them back and are respectful as all hell. Prayers before dinner, respectful children. I think the libtard's are jealous. They'll never have what the Robertson's have and it's killing them that no one cares what the libtards want. Well, you can relax, Laddy-boy, because it is not a "strategy." It is simply a reality that the right-wing, right-thinking people, do like the "DUCKS clan" and what they stand for. So live with it.

Hey Laddy, what were the "misogynist, racist, anti-gay comments" that Phil Robertson was making? Where do these libtard's get this shit from? I understood Robertson expressed his disapproval of homosexuality, with which I agree, but somehow that became, in the libtard's fevered imaginations, "misogynist" and "racist." You have to wonder, do they just mumble those
words in their sleep, and can't help themselves when they're awake? Oh, and the right is moderate on their view's on guns? You Miss Ladd you are full of shit. Please stop telling us what we on the right thinks. We are law abiding, decent Americans who value their Freedom and respect the Constitution you lying little bastard. Just stay the hell away from us. How dare you lie about what we think, how dare you presume to know what or how we think you libtard POS. You are a liar and a fool. Anyway, I guess, BSDNC is simply not going to give it up on trashing the Robertson's. Keep it up dumbasses, that'll help your in-the-gutter ratings. Say whatever you want jackasses. We are steadfast in our determination to be who we are and who we have always been, Constitution-loving, Freedom loving, Christian Americans who will never give up our belief's or cower in the face of tyranny." MC

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