The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, January 12, 2014

BSDNC Stupidity Feature Starring Tingles Matthews.

"It must be awfully hard to breathe with your head 6' up your ass. This worthless piece of shit is beyond ridiculous. Oh wait, he's on the air at BSDNC. That explains it. I have a question. How can this booze soaked libtard Obowel worshipper, who probably lives in a secured community with probably no one of color as neighbors, continue to endlessly play the race card night, after night, after night. It's amazes me. Every f**king night it's something racist with him. Why don't you just go put black-face makeup on before you go on the air you fraud. This man is mentally unstable and should be institutionalized for his good and the protection of society at large. He's mouthed some outrageous bullshit before, but this is clearly like screaming 'fire" in a crowded theater. Got to give him credit though, he has an uncanny way of finding a new low. But anyway, so now, according to Tingles, the GOP Winning In 2014 Will Bring “A Return To Jim Crow Days And The Old Anti-Black Gimmickry of That Time, Literacy Tests And Poll Taxes” will it? It was the election of the GOP that brought an end to all of that but we all know that Tingles is too f**king senile to remember that. And by the way Tingles, Jim Crow was a Democrap, you asshole. Jim Crow laws were Democrap led. What a know nothing f**king idiot. Can these libtards on BSDNC ever, just ever, get their facts straight? But what can be expected from a self-proclaimed socialist with a mouthpiece? Facts are never that important.Tingle's could stand to take a literacy test himself. And here I thought Conservatives were supposed to be the stupid ones. If thats the case, why would literacy tests be a bad thing for Democrap voters? Care to answer, jackass? Is Tingles implying that blacks are still as largely illiterate as they were in the pre-Civil War South, even though now they all go to school? Be careful walking down that slippery slope you racist jerk. You'll have Rearend Al running into your dressing room calling you a racist and yelling to "Resist you we much". Honestly you bed-wetting libtard, your little racist act is getting stale. I don't which is worse, Dennis Rodman singing "happy birthday" to a chunky Hitler, or listening to Chrissy the talking jackass.

Remember this classic from drunk tingles? Journalistic integrity at its finest.

Besides being a blatant Obowel propagandist liar, it's funny how Chrissy Mathews never mentions this fact which I found on the web, "that Democraps have been, since the end of the Civil War, former Confederates, who created the KKK, then after gaining power in the US
Congress, and their respective State Legislatures in the late 1800s, legislatively Instituted Jim Crow laws / Segregation, Poll Taxes, Literacy tests, etc, and maintained it that way for over 150 years". Look it up libtards. Not all Democraps were and are racists, but All Racists were and are Democraps. It's typical of all leftist propagandist liars to accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of, which is what Tingles, and all of his kind, who are delusional, and have that indoctrinated, fascist deceptive mentality, and who are truly removed from all reality do. Tingles is a true anti-truth, media fascist, useful idiot tool. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of him. I truly pity him, and all like him." MC

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