The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, May 3, 2013

Harry Reid Confirms Husseinocare Could Be A Train Wreck. Smartest Moron In The Senate.

"Oh really shithead. Your just finding this out. We knew it when you passed it. This just proves that you are the single most dumbest asshole on the planet. And what is your plan jackass? Throw more money into it. Brilliant. Your too f**king stupid to even breathe on your own and you are the Leader in the Senate. Truth be told Harry, this complete and utter libtard disaster known as Hellcare would more resemble the crash of the Hindenburg than a train wreck, and will end up killing a hell of a lot more people. Wait till your low information voters find out what is going to happen to their healthcare come October, November. Anyone that voted for this shit Act is going to be in a lot of trouble. Oh the humanity! That's right, these stupid people will support you until you start messing with their expected handouts, then all bets are off and you will be lucky if you get away with your lives. It is going to "break my heart" to watch this train wreck actually go down, but I have no pity in my heart at all for any of those idiots that voted for Hussein and pinheads like you Harry. None. Prepare for the consequences you stupid fools. Prepare for it all, we can't save you this time. Boy is this going to be fun to watch.

So let me get this straight Harry, implementation wasn't written into this monstrosity? That's what you said, and I quote, “Max said unless we implement this properly, it’s going to be a train wreck and I agree with him”. Now, I may not know shit about writing legislation, and apparently you know even less, but I would think that implementation would be kind of crucial, don't you think? Ah, maybe just slipped your empty mind. And this other brilliant statement you made,
“Here’s what we have now, we have the menu but we don’t have any way to get to the menu”. Well Harry, here's today's Libtard Blue Plate special: TAX THE RICH, the rich being anyone with 2 nickles to rub together. Ya see, at Harry's Hellhole Cafe, the food is free, but the menu costs everything you hold dear. C'mon Harry, will the bullshit never end? Why do you keep playing mind games with your low information voters? Just own it and eat it you worthless piece of shit. 

Spend money. Spend money. Spend lots more money. That is your, and Oboutme's, solution to everything. I have a solution. Don't implement it. Ever. Your only solution is keep feeding these Democrap Acts with money. Sort of like standing in the engine room, shoveling the f**king coal to keep the engine running. Shoveling more and more until there is nothing left to shovel. Then what happens Harry, the engine stops and your shit out of luck. Sorry Harry, Oboutmecare is already a train wreck and anyone who is a business owner or is using only half their brain knows it. The full burden of this train wreck will hit the American people next October, and then this ill conceived Democrapic monstrosity should bring a reckoning not seen in decades. The Democraps that voted for it would be smart to head for the hills. Even though the propagandist media will try to paint a smiley face on it for Hussein, it will not work. 

Sorry to break this to you Harry, but this train wreck is all about you and your fellow asshole Democraps. You know, the one's who said we would have to pass the bill to see what's in it. You know, the bill you bent over for and then bribed for the votes of fellow traitors to pass it. You know, the bill you jackasses passed on Christmas Eve to make sure we had a great day, a great gift. You know the bill that over 40% of Americans don't even know is law yet, let alone know about the taxes that are coming. Just wait till the low information morons figure this shit out. I thought it was supposed to save us money? I'm sure that was what you said. That was the bullshit story you were spewing leading up to its passage. Now all these taxes and shit, what the hell happened? And tell me Harry, when everybody is on food stamps, who did you plan on to pay for this bill? Uh, no one? Damn it Harry, nobody can say your not one of the smartest morons in the room. 

It's a shame all the rats are now getting scared, and soon to be jumping ship. With all respect, and I mean this sincerely, they can all rot in hell. And you know what Harry, you won't be able to stop it. Pass out the life preservers, that's about all you'll be able to do. My prediction, it will self-destruct before it ever fully goes into effect. The "success" of it depends on full participation, and that ain't gonna happen. I for one am going to tell them to go f**k themselves, and just a few million other "go f**k yourselves" and it's over. 

Bottom line, these libtard bastards lied cheated and rammed their vision of Healthcare down the throats of the American people, and now they throw up their hands and whine like the losers they are, in fear of not being able to properly implement the shit legislation they created. Thousands upon thousands of pages of what was proclaimed as the rescue of the health care industry, reduced to two words "train wreck". A train should run over this wreck of a "senator" Harry Reid, and all the other morons that voted for this Act. Let me say this to you libtard assholes, as long as we have brave Republicans, Conservatives and Independents who will not cave to your tactics, you will not get the money you need. And then, you will be finished." MC

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