The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Poor Taco Bell Workers See Hours Slashed Due to Obamacare Law

"It’s called Obama don’t care. That’s because that bastard doesn’t care how many businesses he screws over, how many low and middle income people lose their jobs or have hours cut. All he cares about is the power and control taken by the federal government. He won’t likely speak on it because the press is on its knees begging to ask tough questions like how was your golf game after a one week layoff?  He wants to kill this country as it was and remake it in his image. He got elected because of his skin color and he will go out and take on the accent or tone of his next audience and a bunch of morons too stupid to know they are being played will eat it up. I’ll wager a lot of these employees voted for Barry. I really have no sympathy. If they don’t like the reduced hours then they should start up their own companies. As expected, when a govt tries to mandate a perfect society, it never works. The govt can say everyone gets healthcare and it’s free but that’s impossible. The low info voter who is a product of our wonderful public school system neither understands history nor economics. It is a cold, hard shock to them when reality hits, but that's the way it goes. When will these people on the bottom end of the earning scale put 2 and 2 together. You voted for Barry. You asked for it. You got it. Live with it." MC

Thanks to Barack Obama and Democrats poor Taco Bell workers will suffer and lose work hours.
The Taco Bell in Guthrie, Oklahoma cut its employees’ hours due to Obamacare.

News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Thanks to Barack Obama the poor get poorer and the middle class gets poor.
News 9 reported, Via Menrec:
The Taco Bell in Guthrie cuts its full-time employees’ hours to avoid mandates under the new
health care law.
Now, a mother of three who works at that restaurant is speaking out. Under the Affordable Care Act, any company that has more than 50 full-time workers falls under the new health insurance mandate.
We talked to the company that owns the Guthrie restaurant today, and it confirmed the cuts. Now, employees there aren’t allowed to work more than 28 hours a week.
Johnna Davis has worked at the Taco Bell in Guthrie since September. She’s seen a 200 dollar cut in her paycheck since a new store policy went into effect.
“What we were being told was one thing, and that was, ‘we’re going to offer benefits, we’ll just keep all of our full time employees and then come December, their whole story changed,” Johnna Davis said.
She says her manager held a meeting before Christmas, saying employees’ hours would be cut in the new year.
“They informed everybody that nobody was considered full-time any longer, that everybody was now considered part-time, and [they] would be cutting hours back to 28 hours or less due to Obamacare,” Davis said.
Under the Affordable Care Act, companies are required to provide insurance to its full-time employees, or face fines. Davis would’ve qualified for an insurance plan.
“Several of the other people I work with, some of them are single parents, and we do the best we can, and 28 hours a week just isn’t going to cut it for the bills,” Davis said.

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