The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Monday, January 7, 2013

Colorado Democrat of the year is hardcore into this wealth redistribution thing

"She robs from the poor, and gives to the democraps. Geez,  I wonder which retarded, community organizing, Kenyan/Indonesian/British/Hawaiian foreign national, could have modeled and inspired that kind of behavior for her? Holy shit, how much lower can you go then robbing from a blind, developmentally disabled, confined to a wheelchair victim of cerebral palsy and given democrap of the year award?  This gem should be due for a promotion or at least some kind of white house administrative position. If she would’ve tossed in molestation to her resume, she may have even gotten a Nobel Peace prize.You mean she’s not a senator yet? Maybe give her "Traitor" Kerry's seat. WTF! There is a huge fundamental difference between common sense and sheer stupidity and the liberal/democrat morons have proven beyond a doubt that they absolutely do not deserve to hold any type of political office. The members of liberalism have proven over and over their inability to live in a society where moral decency are the ways of a peaceful nation." MC

If there’s anything we’ve learned from reality television, it’s that people who routinely express opinions also routinely follow through on those opinions in the most inappropriate way possible. Out of such commitment and fortitude emerge some of the most memorable moments in television history, from both of those times that one of the Kardashians managed to yank her own child out of her vagina, a blooper reel’s worth of second floor Jersey Shore vomit scenes, and whatever currently passes for Tiffany Amber Thiessen.
And this Colorado Democrat, who was recently named Democrat of the Year for the whole of Jefferson County, possibly as a result of the fact that he robbed a 70-year old blind woman who was also disabled.
 Estelle Carson (credit: CBS)
 Estelle Carson – The Best the Dems Can Do
The woman named “Democrat of The Year” this year by the Jefferson County
Democratic Party has been convicted of felony theft by a Jefferson County jury for stealing from a developmentally disabled 71-year-old woman.
“The jury did right,” said Cindy Maxwell, an advocate for the victim.
On Thursday, a jury convicted 66-year-old Estelle Carson of felony identify theft and felony theft from an at risk adult for stealing checks from the woman and using them to pay her own cable, cell phone and internet bills.
The best part? Well, other than the part where the woman she stole from was on a fixed income of less than $600 per month, all of it needed welfare, because – and this can’t be stressed enough – the woman was blind, developmentally disabled, confined to a wheelchair and suffering from Cerebral Palsy?

The Democratic Party of Jefferson County knew all about the charges and still honored her. Because she apparently exemplified the Democratic Party in Jefferson County.

Or something.

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