WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Thursday, December 5, 2013
The Obowels Heading Back To Hawaii For Another Taxpayer-Funded Vacation
"Can't stand these mooching bastards. Wanna bet Mama Moochie goes with them on our dime too. And I wonder if BO the dog takes a separate flight again? And I can't wait to see what the Communist in Chief has in store for this year's Christmas Surprise. After Obowelcare and the "Congress-is-out-of-session-even-though-it-is-still-in-session" trick, I figure this year is going to be a real dozy. He might be skipping town just to be able to claim he isn't responsible for what they have planned. To be fair, f**king up what's left of America is hard work, so he needs some well earned R&R.
I hope this asshole stays gone a month. I am so sick of seeing his lying mug doing his lying shuffel on TV every other hour now. This jerk expects us to take him seriously? People are losing their jobs and health insurance, so what the hell, let me take a vacation, because I really deserve it? He never misses an opportunity to give the finger to the American people. I wonder how many American's haven't taken a
vacation since he was elected. Wonder if they'll be inviting Oprah, Samuel L. Jackson, and Harry Belafonte to discuss re-distribution of their wealth? Like minded racists all think alike. All of them disgusting and rich because they used the people they despise to their own ends. I don't need to tell you who those people are, do I? So glad he thinks America is the worst example of income inequality, while he gives a perfect, hypocritical example. Has he no pride whatsoever. The greatest country in the world has given more people equal opportunities to succeed, and they have, and Obowel goes out and spouts communist rhetoric. Have we ever seen a man talk non-stop about the 'haves & have nots' and it's injustice, then suck up so much of the taxpayers money for luxurious vacations? It's beyond hypocritical, it's delusional. God, please help America. It's one of your greatest accomplishments. Please don't let these libtard moocher's rot it away like this." MC
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