WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Friday, December 27, 2013
The Obowel Propaganda Machine Releases Photo Of Obama “Working”. Claims Obowel Interrupted His Vacation To Sign Bills Flown In From The Shite House..
"Sweet Jesus, I am so sick of this pathetic excuse for a president. This is a nightmare that I just want to wake up from. Someone shake me, please. Oh, and you can bet the the boot-licking media, along with the LIV's are eating this shit right up. What I think is the most important thing here is, what laws is he ramming up our asses now? I dont give a hot shit where he is signing them, as compared to what he is signing. For all the damage he has done already, he shouldnt be signing anything. We have too many freedom killing laws now signed by this fraud. When the hell is this insanity going to stop? Why, you ask, does he get away with this shit? Because he can, and because Obowel "won" the election. He told you he won, remember? "I won and you didn't. I'm president and you're not. I'm in charge and you're not. I'm better than you, and you're not." I so despise this corrupt, marxist president and his administration of jackasses. We the People, We the Taxpayers deserve better then this.
They can't even lie without making themselves look like the assholes they are. These bills are being flown to Hawaii to sign? In this technological age? Why not just FAX, send an email soft copy, print and have His Royal Hine-ass gets out his crayon and put his big "O" to the documents. I mean in all reality, sending the physical bills to him for signature is the correct thing to do, legally. But when did this garbage administration do anything legally? He signs the
same piece of paper that the clerks of the House and Senate signed. They didn't need to dispatch a special plane to do it, though. They could have used overnight FedEx, or Express Mail. Even putting them in a briefcase and having a courier fly to Hawaii commercial with them would have cost a fraction of what this f**king stunt cost. And I suppose they had to fly a division of Shite House photographers there too, to photograph the signing. I'm surprised they didn't have a bunch of people running out on the golf course while he was putting, and interrupt his putt to sign the f**king bill. There is no limit to the amount of deciet and confiscated wealth Obowel will waste to make himself look and feel good. He usually uses the auto-pen while away, why they felt the need to milk the taxpayers for a propaganda pic is beyond me. Obowel's goal is to spend as much money as possible. Afterall, the auto-pen would have been too logical, too practical, and would have saved us tax-dollars, so let's not do that. Bottom line, it's all a distraction. While we were sleeping, he was signing and we lost more Rights. Communism anyone? MC
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