WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013
The Knockout Game Is Now A Hate Crime Because A White Guy Did It According To Eric The Racist.
"We all knew this was coming from the DOJ. That's Eric Holder's DOJ. Mandatory white guilt Obowel style. Gotta tell ya, getting mighty tired of all of this racist shit. The majority of Americans are disgusted with the way things are under the democrap rule and hate the low, slimey, levels to which they are taking our nation. Eric "Black Panther" Holder is, along with his fraud of a boss, are the worst of the worst at this job, ever. Whoever has to clean up after this bunch of thugs is going to have one helluva job ahead of them. This ridiculous hate crime designation is wrong. All violent crimes are inspired by hatred and all victims are equal under the law. If a murdered person was gay, or black, or what ever, does that make him any more dead? Or, just because the victim is white, that makes him less dead? It does to this racist AG. How dare a white man participate in a black only, President approved game. Off with his f**king head. Hundreds of people have been hurt, and some killed, meanwhile the DOJ was waiting and praying for this white knockout artist to show up. They waited till a white guy attacked a black to apply the law, but you do not ever see the black who attacked whites arrested under the same hate law. Why to go Holder, you racist asshole. I guess according to you blacks attacking whites is normal, and it's not a crime. But whites attacking blacks will not be tolerated. I guess only white people hate and can carry out hate crimes. Black people do it for funsies. They don't intentionally seek out whites, Jews or Asians because they hate them. Right? I wouldn't be surprised that this white guy might be one of those liberal activists who commit hate hoaxes to try to prove a point that doesn't exist. Wouldn't put it past them.
Holder is the most corrupt Attorney General we have ever had. How does the DOJ and FBI keep a straight face after the racism they show. Since when does the federal government have the
constitutional power to charge an individual with assault? He punched a guy on the street, there are local and state laws against that. I guess that constitutional right to equal protection and prosecution under the law doesn't mean anything to the banana republic regime we now have in power. The disgusting racism and double standard exhibited by these so called justice pricks makes me ill. That white dude is an asshole. He deserves the exact same charges leveled at the hundreds of blacks engaging in the same shit. Oh wait, there weren't any hate crime charges against the black youths, were there? Strange, I thought justice for all stood for everyone. Our government needs to be removed and replaced with a constitutional Republic. Nothing exists that can adequately define the level of utter hatred I hold for these miserable traitors. The question needs to be asked, are the Feds outraged by a crime? Oh wait, of course they can't answer that question. They need to know the races of the the people involved in the crime." MC
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