WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013
Piglosi Says The GOP Hates Women
"And the GOP response will be, we're sorry, we didn't mean it. Gutless and nutless. Let's not confuse this fossilized, Botox infested libtard hag with facts. Maybe she doesn't remember those wonderful respecter's of women libtards like John Edwards, JFK, Teddy Kennedy, Bob Menendez, you get the picture. All those highly respected democrap men. There is a part of me that honestly wishes the Republicans would just go full out and act as bad as this bitch claims we do. We'd probably be respected more and win more elections. I guess Bashir's comments about Sarah Palin wasn't enough to shut your flappin' ass botox gums? Let me just say Sarah Palin is more of a woman than Nancy Piglosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, or Moochelle Obowel, and more of a man than Barry Obowel. Somebody needs to tell this brainless bitch that we have had "equal pay" since the 1960's, with the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Stop refighting battles that have already been fought and enforce the f**king laws already on the books. If we had a real media, they would ask this botox intoxicated fool, " how much do you pay the women who work in your vineyards"? " Do you provide them insurance, sick leave and daycare"? "And how did you become filthy rich while sitting in the United States Congress". The real war on women by the way is in the middle east where women are raped, stoned to death, murdered and young girls are bought and treated like dirt. That's the culture you, your party, and your president embrace. The only war on women begins and ends with you and your ideological leftist friends. Disrespect my ass. By disrespect do you mean like dressing women up in vagina costumes to promote an agenda? Oh wait, you mean like telling women to vote with their "lady parts" to promote a policy? Oh wait, do you mean like implying women are too stupid to find $9/month birth control without the government helping them? Oh wait, do you mean like calling women the C-word when they are not a member of your party or dissagree with you politically? The only "disrespect" I see is coming from the hypocritical, moronic left. Conservatives have respect for everyone, while the libtards only have respect for communist scumbags. Conservatives have respect for people who earn respect. Libtards demand respect for whoever is their chosen group, and disrespect the people who have act honorably. It's twisted thinking, but then Liberalism really is a mental illness.
I cannot wait for the day she disappears from public life. Honestly, how can she live with herself? The only war on women is the one in your head and the one you are creating. War on women?
How would know Nancy? You have never been a woman of character, or depth, or civility. Your whole pathetic life has been filled with selfish desires and wickedness, bought and paid for in the blood of others. You are despicable. I'll be so glad when "The wicked witch of the west coast" can't do any more harm to the country." MC
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