The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Make Signing Up For Obowelcare Your New Years Resolution Says The Mooch.

Via Washington Examiner:
First lady Michelle Obama encouraged young people to sign up for Obamacare, telling them that enrolling in the health law’s new insurance exchanges should be a New Year’s resolution.

"Ok Mooch, they will as soon as they catch their plane to Hawaii. Hey Mooch, your new years resolution should be to shut the f**k up and get the f**k out of the People's House. Both you and your destructive husband, Sharia and Malaria, and your mooching mother. Who the hell would do anything this witch suggests, except her boywonder and only because he's afraid she'll whip his treasonous ass. And by the way Moochie, if the deadline is Dec 23, what the hell good will it be as a New Years Resolution? I guess my resolution is going to be to try and not reading what this unelected dumbass has to say. I, along with the youth of this country, have no intention of complying, but I'm pretty sure President Lawless will illegally extend the date by a few days by lawlessly asking the insurance companies to break the law by covering people who had signed up but not yet paid. Since they keep changing things, who the hell even knows for sure? 

I have a long list of New Year's resolutions and your shit isn't one of them Moochie. So signing up should be a New Year's Resolution to ourselves? Mooch isn't signing up, she's not going to be saddled with 'Death Care." Sasquatch will have private health care with all her needs met and no Death Panels to sign her Death Warrant from a distant office after looking at statistics in a book. It is outrageous how these dumb commies try to align themselves with the peasants and think we won't notice their devious, manipulative attempt to appear one with us. Communist leaders are always "do as I say because you'll never be able to do as I do". We won't drink Shite House beer, we won't go to Hawaii, we won't have 23 attendees bowing to our every desire, we won't have free healthcare, but we will all pay for it. All of this pleading for people to push Obowelcare on their loved-ones during the holidays is  truly pathetic. I mean, I know that this is how community organizers operate, but someone really needs to inform the Obowel's that they're not in Chicago anymore, so no more of this lame-ass community organizer bullshit please. Try not to lower the office of the President any lower than you already have. 

Nobody has the right to force anything on me or anyone else in this country, especially our
government. Its in this document called the constitution. Maybe this moocher might have heard about it. We are a free people, and own our own life. Sure we need health care, but we'll deal with it as we need to. So will you and your corrupt hubby make a New Years Resolution to stop your destruction of America and to stop the corruption, fraud and lies?" MC

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