WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, December 1, 2013
Liberal Heads Explode...Navajo Codetalkers Appear In Redskin Jackets
"Can't make this stuff up! Can it get any better than this? First off, the Navajo Code Talkers were, and will always be special to the service of our country. They drove the Japanese nuts attempting to decipher their messages. Our nation thanks them for their service. Bless these men and thank you.
Now, take that libtards. You know that this has undermined all your arguments? I'm laughing my ass off right now imagining what the Libbie's and the relentless pushers for a name change are feeling right now? This has probably changes the way libtards think of these brave men, these real heros. Libtard's think you're a hero if you get paid to carry a protest sign outside of Walmart. They wouldn't know a real hero if he pissed on them which, come to think, is exactly what a real hero should do. Men from my Father and his Father's day didn't put up with this touchy feely liberal shit. They had more important things to do. Great to see these brave men expose this libtard bullshit. The name "Redskins" is a tribute to the brave spirit of the native Americans, not something that demean's them. Now maybe these assholes will move on to a better cause like banning porch swings or something. And it's unlikely that know-nothing, non-American, fraud in the Shite House has ever heard of the code-talkers, so he doesn't have a comment to make. If there was something equivalent to the "Uncle Tom" racist slurs for them, the libtard's would have flooded twitter and other social media with screams and insults directed to them. You can bet on it. Give them time, I'm sure they'll think of something.
It's just extremely sad, that the Greatest Generation is called upon in their senior years, to fight these Commies once again. I'm so ashamed of this generation and the way so many have sold out
to the commies. It is almost a slap in their face the way that the world has returned to this very evil that they shed their blood to fight off! Most of the kids today know very little of World War II. The libtard's have sure done their job to try and make this an ignorant generation, that don't know and don't care of the sacrifice that these heroes made. These men deserve all the recognition we can give them. God bless these Native Americans who so willingly contributed so much to this country. Thank you." MC
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