The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, December 2, 2013

Delusional Democrap Pedophile Sen. Bob Menendez Says Obamacare Puts Democrats In “Great Position” For 2014…

Via HuffPo:
Despite the troubled rollout of Obamacare, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) said Sunday that he believes the health care law will be an advantage rather than a liability to Democrats seeking reelection next year.
“I think that senators are going to be a in a great position to say, ‘Look, we are doing dramatic changes that help you be able to meet the challenges for your family of health care and eliminate some of the greatest evils that existed under the previous system,’” Menendez, a former chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

"This democrap, libtard, pedophile  is so full of shit I'm surprised we can't see it flowing out of his ears. When Menendez eats at his favorite restaurant, the waiter always asks, "Do you want flies with your shit sandwich Senator"? This low life pedophile must have caught some fatal mental disease from screwing around with those underage Dominican hookers. In a great position? Your in a great position alright, to lose seats in the Senate. He is one screwed up libtard. He's perfect for consideration by the Obowel death panels. When the only "real people" Bob talks to are underage prostitutes who worry about contracting HIV, you are likely to hear a lot of support for a free health care program. “I think that senators are going to be a in a great position to say, ‘Look, we are doing dramatic changes that help you be able to meet the challenges for your family of health care and eliminate some of the greatest evils that existed under the previous system", so says Bob.  "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a flight to catch to the Dominican Republic." I guess Obowelcare covers trips to have sex with underage girls too. Your stupidity is showing, Bob! Keep up the good work. Amazing how Democrap politicians lie and distort the truth with such an arrogant attitude, they are the "pond scum" of American culture.

Want a prime example why the government is broken beyond repair? Let me introduce you to the ultimate scumbag child molestor Senator, Bob Menendez, from the great State of New Jersey, who
dispite indisputable proof of flying down to the Dominican Republic to have sex with underage teenage girls in exchange for favors of his office, is not only still a member of the Senate and not in jail, but is still touted as a spokesman for the democrap party communists. Broken beyond all repair. Replace the existing communist government, Restore our Republic, and Protect our constitution." MC

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