The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, December 13, 2013

Cross On Veterans Memorial Unconstitutional, Must Come Down Says Activist Judge.

Via 10news:
A federal judge in San Diego issued an order from the bench Thursday declaring that the government’s display of a 43-foot cross atop Mount Soledad in La Jolla violates the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution


"WTF has happened to religious tolerance! Go to hell you libtard atheist activists. This judge is just another libtard asshole appointed to the bench. Another dumb ass activist judge from the state of Commiefornia. A display of a single religion's symbol is hardly a mandate, it's an acknowlegement of a belief of a majority of the dead. Any other symbols are also welcomed. I am sick of this bullshit. Shouldn't veterans have a say on their own memorials? It feels like we are in the movie "The Omen", doesn't it? The president is the spawn of Satan, and the democraps and their judges are the evil demons all around us. Wasn't this supposed to be just a movie? Seems like its being played out in the real world. Take down crosses, abort babies, force christians to pay into a healthcare plan that violates their religious belief's. The fake world is becoming real. This judge is so delusional, he calls himself an ardent conservative. What he is, is another lefty that hid himself until he got into a lifetime appointment on the bench so he can go about dismantling America. The cross doesn't need to come down from its high perch on Mt. Soledad, these activist judges needed to be dragged down from their ivory towers. Maybe lifted once more, onto the gallows, just to see how well the rope fits. What about all of the crosses on graves in Veteran Cemetery's, are they next? If the dead from WWII can grace each other lying side by side with the Cross and the Star of David in our nation's burial grounds, why can't these living, disgusting, vermin tolerate each others symbols?

Americans' rights were established by their creator, God. The idea that the Constitution disallows monuments with God based recognition goes against all logic and common sense. You activist
libtards can scream about separation all you want, but there was no separation of God and America when it was founded. Destruction of Christianity is one of the libtard's goals. One of these days, and it's coming, God is going to come looking for these unbelievers and have a word or two with them. Its good to remind ourselves that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. One day this judge will stand before God and answer for this judgement. In God We Trust." MC

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