The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Bubba Says Nellie Marxdella Helped Him Forgive The GOP For Impeaching Him

"Isn't it nice to see all the commies embracing on this special occasion now that one of them is gone? You libtards going around honoring and telling everyone the big liberal myth and distortion of the truth of how great Nellie Marxdella was. All anyone needs to know is this guy was a Communist and that is all anyone really needs to know. So Bubba, you mean you forgave the GOP for impeaching you because of Nellie? How nice. Boy, both you and Shillary are the creepiest people I have ever seen. You both deserve eachother. Make sure when the two of you get off the plane in South Africa this week you dodge that sniper fire. And by the way, did Shillary need Nellie to help her forgive that "vast right wing conspiracy" against you. Liars, both of you. Hey Bill, you've got the forgiveness shoe on the wrong foot. You were not the injured party, the American People and the Oval Office were. It was your inability to keep your winkie in your pants that helped denigrate the office of the presidency, and chiseled away at the integrity of a nation. You and the rest of you libtards help drag us down to the point we find ourselves today, a laughing stock. I've learned never to underestimate the stupidity of the left, how an impeached perjurer like you still has a following after all the lying you did amazes me. You should have been run off like a leper. And what is it with the dead that you libtards love to exploit. Just like Trademark Martin's corpse, you libbie's are dragging Marxdela's corpse around with you and using it for political gain. Have you no shame or integrity? Nah, of course not, your libtards. So it's no surprise Bubba, that your just another libtard who is not taking responsibility for your actions, and using Nellie Marxdella's death to exploit it. Boy, you libtards never miss an opportunity to make it all about you. Do us all a favor Buuba, and STFU, you impeached perjurer.

Just keep this in your perverted mind there Bubba, the GOP did not make you the lying douchebag POS you are, you did that all on your own. In the immortal word's of Barry Obowel, "we didn't build that, you built that" reputation. And in the immortal word's of your wife, the Bitch of Benghazi, "what difference does it make at this point"? It ain't gonna change. Hey bill, did you ever work out the definition of what "is, is" yet? I did. It "IS" you are going down in history as an impeached, lying, sexual predator president. Even a dead marxist can change that. Maybe before Nellie is buried, you can say he helped Shillary forgive you too. Never let a good marxist death go to waste. 

Well Bubba, you will leave a legacy. You will go down as the guy that made "lying" a socially
acceptable norm and for that you should be proud. Obviously the garbage that resides in the Shite House has taken it to a whole other level, but you were the archetect. But hey, what's lying about a BJ compared to what lying is going on now, between two morally impaired power hungry jackasses? It' too bad Buuba that Nellie did not teach you to tell the truth, that way you would not have had to forgive the GOP for doing their job of prosecuting you for purjury before Congress and a grand jury. But thanks for using Nellie's death anyway to remind us of your criminal acts." MC

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