WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, December 22, 2013
A&E And GLAAD Feeling The Backlash, Not Phil Robertson.
"I guess in "hindsight", no pun intended, A&E should have thought it through a little more before firing Phil for his belief's. Butt, no pun intended again, the didn't. These libtard gay organizations are nothing butt a hateful, mean spirited, vile, immoral group of assholes, NPI, who spends a lot of tax payer money trashing decent people who don`t happen to agree with their lifestyle. Butt this time, the Gay-KK, or the gaystepo, has gone too far! GLAAD is nothing but, a bunch of sick, perverted, scum. GLAAD are like spoiled children. They want their demands to be met or they scream and whine and wail trying to get their way. They will lie, create fake outrage and offenses to prove they are victims, all the while stomping on everyone else's rights. GLAAD should keep in mind during this whole made up gay bashing incident that was not gay bashing, the hypocriters at A&E had a rep with Phil when the interview was done. A&E knew about the interview three months before it was released, and A&E was behind this all the time. All A&E has done is brought the tyranny of the Gay Mafia to a head. Robertson has a very successful business and doesn't need A&E. He, unlike others these libtard groups have tried to destroy, will not bend to them. He could care less what they think of him. He has his beliefs, and will not apologize for them. This makes these libtard organizations heads explode. The heterosexual community shows tolerance, while the gay and lesbian community demands tolerance, yet shows none of it. We have grown tired of you demanding that we accept your lifestyle and your ways, and you keep demanding more. Well how are those demands working out for you now. I suggest you take the advances you have made and STFU, because if you keep demanding, the backlash your getting now is going to be nowhere near what your going to get in the future. I, and the vast majority of people in this country really don't give a shit what consenting adults do. Just don't throw it in our faces and tell us we have to accept it. My thoughts on homosexuality, as with other social issues comes down to two things, 1) Am I forced to care?, and 2) Am I forced to pay for it? If the answer to both questions is "No" then I will happily not give a shit. Butt try forcing either 1 or 2 on me, and we have a problem.
Homosexuality is a sexual preference and nothing more. It has nothing to do with race, ethnicity,
or religion. We don't have to approve of your deviant sexual behavior, and just because you like to believe your lifestyle is normal doesn't mean we have to agree. You need to stop pushing or the pushback will be more than you bargained for. Do as you please behind closed doors, we don't need to hear about your perversions, because in the end, all of us will be judged by a power much higher than we mere mortals." MC
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