WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Friday, November 22, 2013
Flaming Hypocrites Obowel And Reid Flip-Flop On Changing Filibuster Rules
"Any questions? Still not sure what this dicktator is all about? There is nothing, nothing, this hypocritical piece of lying shit will not say or do to get his way. Any ends justify the means as far as he is concerned. If it burns down our Country, well so much the better to this twisted bitter sick socialist trash. We can now rename the Democrap party 'The Hammer and Sickle Party'. So Barry, you say "If you've got a majority of folks who believe in something, then it should be able to pass." Oh really, well just you wait until you find out what we believe in. If you really believe that, then why is it you allow your piece of shit ACA law to continue when the "majority" of the people don't want it? And a supermajority of the American people hate your guts and want you gone, so what are you still here? And can you please stop with the word "folks". I am so sick of hearing the word "folks" come out of your mouth. Is this your favorite word after "I" or "me"? And not a peep from the MSM today. If the republicans did this it would be headline news for weeks. Calling Obowel on his lies and hypocrisy would take real journalism and that's not gonna happen, now is it?
Nice job Harry, you just poisoned Washington according to Obowel. But Barry the hypocrite now agrees with what you did yesterday, which was not what he agreed with back in 2005. So basically, he lied again back then. Every day's a new lie for the Kenyan. You can't beleive anything this bastard says. He lies about everything. Based on what Senator Obowel said back in 2005, me thinks "Senator Obowel would have hated President Obowel". It is useless and pointless
to compare what either one of them said at any time in the past. It is always about the political benefits of the moment. They lie without giving it a second thought, and they are engaged in criminal and unethical conduct every day, and neither can be shamed. The traitors to America are on a roll, but they will regret this move. They see the writing on the wall for 2014 and are desperate. The gop conservatives need to get their shit together and clean up this treason. One of the virtues of the US was that minority opinions were respected. I guess under Obowel, that's no longer the case." MC
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