The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cry Me A River: Libtard Sen. Jo Jo Donnelly Complains To Shite House His Son’s Health Insurance Was Cancelled Because of Barrycare

Democratic officials said top administration aides got a close-up view of the cancellation controversy last week, when Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., said at a closed-door meeting of the party’s rank and file that his son had received notice his coverage was being terminated.

"And Joey, what were you thinking would happen? Oh thats right, you probably didn't read the bill either. As much as this must burden you, all I can say is too bad jackass. I hope not only you, but all of the democraps of congress's families and friends feel this pain. No excemptions for you from the pain and stupidity of Barrycare. Now your concerned you moron? Here's a helping of f**king libtard tears for you. You and your fellow shitheads helped create the problem so suck it up and deal with it!  I just love it when one of these democrap morons gets kicked in the ass. Pay backs are hell Joe. You voted for this bullshit so live with it. I have no sympathy for you or your son. 

Hey Senator, allow me to pass along to you the standard reich's and democrap responses to your sons dilemma. "Whatever" and "Get Over It, Obamacare is the law of the land". Hey Jo Jo, you think Barrycare cancelling your son's insurance is bad, wait until Barrycare cancels your f**king career, and the rest of your libtard partners too! But really, whats the problem, why don't you just pay for your son's insurance with the money you milk out of tax payers and use for pork spending? Whats the big deal? 

I like to address this to your son Jo Jo. You know what son, daddy voted for you to lose your insurance. Maybe daddy should have read the stupid bill. If he did, you might still have your
insurance. I think you should ask daddy why he didn't read the bill. Now you see what happens when daddy follows the other stupid libtards in his party and tries to shove something bad down the Americans throat? It also effects you. Being stupid has consequences. Daddy was stupid. Stupid daddy. But be warned, that he will tell you it's the evil insurance companies fault. And when he does, make sure you give him a good quick kick where the sun doesn't shine. And while he's laying on the floor in agony, tell him "you should have read the bill before you voted for it dipshit". I mean, he was just asking for it." MC

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