The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Conservatives Should Apologize For Lying About Obowelcare Say Special Ed Schultz

"Man, these assholes at BSDNC are really beside themselves. I watched Tingles Matthews yesterday and I actually thought he was going to have a stroke. Martin Batshit is beside himself, and of course, then we have Sgt. Ed Schultz. Un-Steady Eddie didn't hear an apology from Obowel when he did his fireside chat with Chuck "U" Todd the other day. No, of course he didn't, because he really didn't apologize. But Unsteady Eddie goes one further. It's the repbublican's and conservative talk radio that should be apologizing for the lies they are spreading about Obowelcare. Hey Eddie, you sure your not hanging out with that husky mayor from Toronto, because it sounds like you must be sharing the old crack pipe. Oh Special Ed, you so crazy. Oh yeah, Obowel care is great. It;s the damn website that caused all the problems. And of course, President Halfrican didn't know there was a problem until he saw it on CNN. Thats right, so to quote his illegal voters, "It's no his fault". Yeah, the LIV's were listening to Chicago Jesus, telling them they were gonna get free health care and really stick those Evil Rich Bastads with the bill. Well surprise! Turns out LIV's are the Evil Rich Bastads too! Surprise! What a shock. You see Eddie, Barry and the democraps are looking for a way out of this mess, and there is no 'out' left for Democraps, Ed. It's all yours, and you own it. If the democraps would have accepted a delay, they could be blaming everything on Republicans right now, and no LIV would be the wiser. Face it, your side screwed up big time. You terminated your only means of escape for not producing what you promised. And that is the best part. The repbublican's handed them a delay, a whole year to fix the problems, and Obowel refused. How f**king priceless is that. In his lust driven desire to make the Republicans pay for the shut down, he refused a whole year (before the mid-terms) to be able to blame the mean old Republicans for delaying Obowelcare. C'mon, admit it Eddie, thats what is driving you insane, isn't it? There will a day when there won't be anymore excuses to come up with to defend this president, and then your mouth will be shut. And that day is fast approaching.

Special Ed you are just like your great uncle Sgt. Schultz, you know nusssing. And you see nusssing. And, you say nusssing coherent. The only thing that the little puppet emperor
apologized for Eddie was being caught in a lie. Actually Eddie, an apology should be coming from Barry's parents for polluting the human gene pool with such a worthless human being. Ed Schultz, like everyone else at BSDNC, is nothing more than a talking bag of shit. I don't know what your on Eddie, but I pray it never hits the streets. Eddie is an authority on lies. It is how he makes a living. Are there really enough stupid people out there to comprise an audience large enough to keep this lying jackass on the air? Actually, the slob isn't even worth discussing, but again, I can't help myself. So Eddie, here's the message, nobody believes you. You and your kind are the ones that created this mess, and you should apologize for spreading the propagada of this president and covering up his deceit." MC

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