The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Wicked Witch of the West Coast Urges House Dems To Vote Against Funding For Veterans’ Benefits

"The Wicked Witch of the West Coast's botox must have reached its expiration date. I think she has reached her expiration date. No, its not botox, or anything else, except the deep hatred for the military by the democraps. Their history speaks for itself. Apparently democraps don't think veterans are something we can agree on. Remember, Piglosi is a pure Anti-war Activist from the 60s and it looks like the Paint is finally falling off. And God is it ugly! I'm absolutely speechless. This old jet-settin' boozy, bitch needs to go. She is truly evil. 

Here is one of Pelosi's constituents. The disease of liberalism.

This is the stupidest bitch to ever to serve in Congress, but re-elected many times over, which speaks volumes about her constituency .As long as cell phones and entitlements roll in, they couldn't give a shit less. Pelousick doesn't have to worry about the veteran's vote in her district. Her district is primarily comprised of perverts and grifters who've been getting over on this country all their lives. Ask not what you can do for your country, ask your country what they'll give to you in the form of a living wage and free healthscare. Let's call them what they really are, an immoral Democrap Freak Show. Just think back to the Democrap convention, if you had the
stomach to watch it. A real life Freak Show. Was it just a few days ago she spoke this of our veterans, "Don't use them, we owe them too much". And then she votes to deny them benefits? And no one calls her on this shit? Are you f**king kidding me? Grow a pair Rebublicans. Piglousy should be the easiest POS to expose for her out and out lies and dementia! Look how this evil hag would use our troops as pawns, a bargaining chip because she is a soulless bitch who knows that we would cave rather than harm our own. We are dealing with demons whether they are Islamic terrorists or libtards. They are so evil it chills the blood flowing in the veins of decent American people. This must be hung around the necks of these vile assholes. Piglosi's district is literally the city of San Francisco. It is long overdue to find some honest reporters that can investigate why San Francisco continues to keep this moron in office. This scum is corrupt on many fronts, from dealings with her husband and several other business adventures. From a tuna business, to the wine train in Napa, Sonoma, Medocino and her husbands dealing with handling government owned buildings. This witch from hell is to busy aborting babies and covering up for the gravy train that lines her corrupt hubby pockets every day. They are greedy, filthy, immoral, soulless, vile people ass deep in corruption and hate. Please, tell me again who are the anarchists, haters, and traitors. " MC

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