The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Phil Griffen, BSDNC Libtard President, Wants Investigation Into How Fox Ratings Are So Much Higher Than Theirs

You Choose.

"Yeah, have another drink you BSDNC, libtard loser. Shit, how f**king clueless can you be? Here's the answer for you Phil, FOX doesn't peddle the bullshit like you do. Notice how all these libtard morons follow the lead of their leader, Barry Hussein? Cry, cry, cry when something isn't in line with their thinking. Your BSDNC team is full of losers Phil. Are you that stupid? Yes you are. All of them are unreliable and biased so they all deserve to be flushed like the turds they are. Your pathetic stations libtard robots goal is to say Hussein's name 40 times inside 60 minutes and they win a bonus. And you can't understand how Megyn Kelly kicked your "boy's" ass at 9pm? I don't suppose the fact that your network is a warehouse for assholes could have anything to do with it? When your star line-up is a collection of screeching victimizers, rabid racists, poverty pimps and assorted suck ups, all delivering the standard leftist bullshit, reeking with behavior of people who believe they are more intelligent or better than other people, do you really have to ask? Or it might have something to do with the fact that Megyn Kelly is smart, honest, and beautiful as hell, and not a sickening, hypocritical, lying, nagging, mannish shrew pig that you have put up against her. Yeah, that's why. And now you want an investigation as to why you suck? The investigation, if any, should focus on how BSDNC rated as well as Fox on the day you suggest that your station "tied or beat" Fox. Difficult to imagine that could be the truth. Keep sounding like the typical libtard Phil, whining and demanding investigations when you lose. What a jerk you are. You people live in such a bubble, and no one outside of your little bubble wants to listen to your bullshit anymore. And that's the truth. What's that line, "You can't handle the truth". There in lies your problem.

People don't want to watch news from a network that tells them how much America sucks. So Phil, keep kissing Barry's ass on a daily basis. FOX has higher ratings because they do a better job. Maybe you can get President Part Timer to ban FOX, and believe me, if he could figure out a way, he would. then all your problems would be solved. But until then, you'll always be number two. That doesn't mean number two in the ratings, it means number two as in shit. You see Phil, people have been a little slow, but they are coming around to the realization that the lame stream media has been lying to them about how good things are when they really aren't. The personal costs of BarryCare is waking many people up and you and BSDNC are one of the biggest liars out there. 

So there you have it, the libtard's first knee-jerk reaction to everything. Things are not going their
way so get the government involved. Wow, there is a real stupid idea. Typical libtard asshole. Run to nanny government when something goes wrong and ask them to fix it. Because God forbid, Phil might have to do the work needed to make his network successful, because he, being the libtard that he is, belives that is what we hire our politicians for. A capitalist would immediately examine their business practice and make the necessary adjustments to improve their customer service. No wonder these losers are losers. BSDNC is TV by, for, and about lunatics. Perhaps if he ever learned the difference between people with intelligence and those that deceive, he might be able to figure out where he went wrong with his network. But, I guess they think they should win at everything, honestly or not. I guess just being a libtard ain't all that much fun anymore." MC.

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